Legion or legend?

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Set in season two

After defeating the legion of doom and erasing Thawn from existence, the team had locked Merlyn and Darhk in the brig. Snart has been injured by a French soldier who had fired by accident. Basically, he got caught in a crossfire.

* flashback*
The team was fighting the legion, who was firing at the waverider, and trying to stop them. After Ray had fired a laser at them, the armies had started firing at each other again. Bullets were flying in all directions. "We have to get back to the ship!" Sara yelled right before she was propelled backwards by a blast. Her head hit a plank of wood and dizziness spread through her vision. Last thing she saw was the barrel of a gun pointed at her before the man holding it fell to the ground, blood running out of his stomach. "No..!" She whispered before her eyes closed.

*end flashback*

Mick picked his old partner up. He was barely conscious but enough to put up a fight. With Nate and Ray's help, he managed to get him on the ship and to the med bay. Jax and Martin helped Sara get to her room and as she passed through the halls, she got a peak at the struggling that was going on.

Mick was holding one of Leonard's arms while Ray kept the other one from moving. Nate wasn't doing much except trying to talk some sense into the thief. Useless to mention it wasn't helping. After about five minutes, the three finally made it to the med bay. Mick placed Snart on the med and immediately strapped his right wrist down. Ray pushed on Leonard's chest to keep him down while Nate strapped his ankles to the bed. Mick grabbed Snart's left wrist before it could punch his face and finished attaching it. Ray left to help Nate with his probably broken nose and Mick was left alone with his former partner. An awful lot of swear words could be heard throughout the ship. Sara went to see if everything was okay and arrived just in time to see Mick pull a needle out from Leonard's neck. Snart struggled a few more seconds and then blacked out due to the sedative. Sara approached the med and looked down at the men she had loved. He looked so much like the Snart she knew.. Same face. Same body. Same everything. He was there. Unconscious but there. She went to clean up the cut she had on her arm. After a few minutes, she finished patching herself up. As she turned to leave, her gaze stopped on the other person in the room. Still asleep. She approached him and sat on the little space beside him. He looked so peaceful.

Get him out of here!


Just do it.

A shiver ran down her spin as she remembered their last words to each other. She leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. His eyes jerked open the second her lips case in contact with his skin. His entire body started trashing in every direction. Pulling on the cuffs until his wrists were bruised. "Stop!" She shouted. His eyes met hers and what she saw in them broke her. Fear. Terror. Panic. But most importantly. Hate. He hated all of them. Because Thawn had told him that he would die because of them. "Let me go!" He said coldly once he calmed down. "I can't do that." She responded, looking down. "You let me go or I will kill every single member of your team of losers and save you for last." He said in a way too calm voice. His words hurt her so much. Her throat closed, preventing air from traveling to her lungs. "I'm so sorry.." She whispered. "Sure you are." He answered sarcastically as he kept pulling on the cuffs. She placed her hand over his to stop him from cutting through his skin by pulling on the cuffs. He froze and tried to pull away. Her hand retracted and came to rest on her thigh. He stayed silent. It hurt so much. Seeing him like this. "What?!" He barked. She snapped out of her trans. "What?" She asked. "Why are you staring at me like that?!" He responded annoyed. She sighed and stayed silent. "Not very chatty." He noted. "You are such a jerk." She whispered. "Usually I get called something else but that works I guess." He said with a smirk. God! she could just slap that smirk off his face. Or punch it off. Or kiss it off.. No! The man before her was not the one she loved. He was selfish and mean. "Would you mind loosening these up a little?" He asked sarcastically, looking down on the cuffs. She gave him a warning look. "No? That's fine. Not like they could stop me from getting out anyway." He continued. She stood up and went to the other end of the med bay. She needed to put some distance between them. She sat down on one of the chairs and fidgeted with a knife. The room was quiet for a few minutes. Sara was almost asleep when a loud click was heard in the med bay. She jolted upright and her eyes widened. Leonard was standing straight next to the med bed. The cuffs open and laying on the bed. "How did you..?!" She began. "Like I said! Those don't stand much of a chance against me." He said picking up one of the cuffs. Sara pulled her bo staff out of her boots and got into a defensive pose. "Get back on the bed, let Gideon finish healing you and you won't get hurt." She said calmly. "Not a chance." He said. He picked up a sharp tool that was laying on the little table next to him. "Don't say I didn't warn you!" She said. Before he could move she was right in front of him. He stepped back before her staff could hit him and grabbed it. She kicked him in the leg and made him loose his balance. He fell on his side but grabbed her arm and pulled her down with him. She landed on top of him. Her face only above his and their waists stuck together. She tried to get up but he grabbed her arm and pulled it away from under her, making her fall on him completely. In a swift motion, he flipped them so that she was under him. He pinned her arms above her head and sat on her waist. For someone who hated physical contact he sure loved to get up close and personal. Very personal. A little too much maybe. Maybe not. She tried to free herself but he was too heavy. "Get off!" She yelled at him. "Make me." He said, lowering his face down to gaze right into her eyes. Sara let out a strangled breath. He was so close. His lips were just above hers. "Fuck it!" She thought. She lifted her head up and smashed her lips into his. He pulled his head away from the kiss and slightly loosened his grip on her wrists. Not much. But just enough for her to pull her arms free. She punched him in the abdomen where she knew he had been shot. The saying "this hurts me more than you" had never felt so true. He collapsed on his side, holding his stomach and breathing heavily. Waves of pain were attacking him. It was hard to breath. Sara got up and looked down at him. "I warned you." She said coldly. Pretending her lips weren't burning was extremely hard. Her soul was begging for more. She needed his lips against hers. His hands on her body. His arms around her waist. "Gideon get Nate down here." She ordered the A.I. A few moments later, Nate came through the door. "What the hell happened??" He asked, referring to Snart on floor. "Doesn't matter just get him back on the bed and have Gideon give him a sedative." She ordered. Nate did what she said and steeled up before picking up Leonard and setting him back down on the bed. Gideon made the sedative and placed it in a little seringue. Sara took it and walked over to Leonard. He began struggling and trying to get free of Nate. Without a second thought, Sara pushed the needle in his neck. He let out a shriek of pain and began to black out again. "I.. hate. Y..ou.!" He said, staring right at Sara before closing his eyes.

Sorry I didn't update sooner. I was very busy and this chapter took a while.

Anyway, tell me what you think

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