The league of assassins

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(So in this one I'm pretending Snart didn't get captured by Chronos)

After getting Ray and Kendra back from 1960, the team still had to find Sara who, unfortunately, had gone back to the league of assassins. They landed the ship in Nanda Parbat and all silently walked in. "I'll go get Sara, you all try to be quite." Rip said as he walked off. Snart looked around as Kendra and Ray started arguing. "Can you keep it down?!" Martin asked. As soon as he said that, ten assassins jumped out of nowhere and aimed arrows at them. Sara came out of the end of a hall with Rip in cuffs behind her. Her gaze landed on Snart and for a second, he thought she was happy to see him but he changed his mind when she walked up to Ray, took his suit, ordered to keep Martin and Jax separated and pulled his gun out of its holder before leading them to a cell still while carrying his gun.

They were all chained to a wall and Kendra and Ray started arguing again. Soon enough, three assassins reentered the room and, without a word, walked up to Snart. They spoke Arabic and then one of them uncuffed him. He thought of trying to run but he was outnumbered and one of them had his bow out and ready to fire. He was led down a dark hall and through rooms. Suddenly, he grabbed the guard holding his arm and slammed his head into the wall. He used the assassin's body to shield himself from the arrow that flew passes his ear and shoved the body forward. He ran as fast as he could down the hall when an excruciating pain hit his shoulder, followed by another hit to his leg. He fell to the cold floor and looked down at his leg. An arrow was buried above his knee and blood was leaving his body. His shoulder felt like it was being burned. One of the assassin knelt down next to him and picked up his head by grabbing his hair. He them slammed it as hard as possible into the rock ground and everything went black.

Snart woke up to a scream of pain, only to realize the scream was his. He tried to move but his body felt like it had been asleep for years. He quickly looked around and saw Sara taking care of the wound in his leg. A bloody arrow was on the floor next to her. He assumed the pain of her pulling it out had woken him. He tried to get up but a voice. A word. A threat. stopped him. "Don't!" He looked up and saw Sara staring at him like if she was mad. He tried to relax and layed back down on the bed. He brought his hand to his shoulder and felt a bandage between his fingers and his skin. He looked around again and his eyes landed on a piece of clothing in the fire, which he assumed was his shirt. Sara noticed and spoke before he could say anything. "It was covered in blood." She finished patching his leg up and stood up. Her eyes wandered over his body and stopped at his mouth. "Why am I here?" He asked. She didn't want to tell him the truth, that she had begged Ra's to spear Snart's life. "Ra's thought you were more useful stealing for him than dead." She said. "So your boss wants me to join his little assassin camp? Yeah no thanks." He said coldly. She had to hold herself back with everything she had to not punch him. Or maybe it was to not kiss him. Hard to say. "You don't understand! Ra's will kill you just like the others!" She said. "So why save me?" He asked, sitting up. She sat on her bed next to him and stared at him. "I don't know.." She honestly didn't. It had been two years for her and not even a day for him. Everything was so confusing. "Sara you can't let Ra's kill the team." He tried reasoning her. "The same team that left me stranded in the past? The team who's captain wanted me to go back to killing? You should be thanking me for sparing your life! Not asking me to do things!" She got up and walked to the door. "Stay in here and you'll be safe. If you leave this room than you'll be killed before you can even realize your mistake!" She slammed the door behind her and walked away. "Sara!" He tried getting up but the pain in his leg kept him where he was. "SARA!!!" He repeated. He felt a huge wave of tiredness hit him at once. He tried fighting back the need to sleep but involuntarily closed his eyes and fell unconscious.

After a few hours, he finally awoke and looked to his right. Sara was changing from her assassin suit to what seemed to be pajamas. He immediately looked in the other direction when she removed her shirt. He pretended to still be asleep when she placed a blanket over him and crawled into her bed next to him. He cracked his eyelids open just enough to see her staring right at him. "I know you're awake dumbass." She said. "Was worth a try." He replied. "Did you drug me when you left? Because I'm pretty sure I never fall asleep that fast." She rolled her eyes and gently passed her thumb over his cheek. "I couldn't risk you not listening to me and following me outside." She said. "Why?" He asked "Like I said, they would have killed you." She replied. "We both know that's not what I meant." He said, taking her hands in his. She looked down and bit her lower lip. "I couldn't lose you again." She said. These past two years had been hell and she had missed him so much. Having him back, being able to talk to him, see him, touch him.. it all just felt so relieving. You brushed a strand of hair out of her face and approached his lips closer to hers. "I'm not going anywhere." He said softly, before pulling her lips to his. She immediately kissed him back, absorbing his presence and smiled into the kiss. Her hands traveled up his arms and stopped when they reached the back of his neck, pulling him impossibly closer.

After a while of making out, they both fell asleep in each others arms. Sara's head resting on his chest and Snart's arms wrapped around her back. Snart woke up when he heard a door close. He stood up and saw Sara was gone. He found a league outfit and dressed himself as an assassin. He then opened the door and walked through the halls, looking for Sara. He knew she was going to kill him for disobeying her and leaving her room but he had to save the team before they were executed. Sounds of swords hitting each other came from his right. He ran towards it and arrived in a big room. There was Sara standing over Kendra with a sword to her neck. "Sara don't!" He shouted. She stopped her movement and looked at him. "Don't do this!" He repeated. "You're not a killer anymore! You're the white canary!" She lowered her weapon and took a step back. Kendra stood up and held her neck.

Back on the ship, the team celebrated the reunion. Later on, Sara went to knock on a certain somebody's door and when he opened, she pulled him down on a kiss. "Thank you." She said. "For reminding me who I am." She then walked away and left a man standing in front of his room.. smiling.. and happy.

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