third 🔮

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I need a fan fiction with taegi, where tae and yoongi hold hands. Where when they were small/kids they would hold hands when they disagree on something and then let go when they calmed down. And then when they are going to school (same school, ofc), around 7-10 years old, they keep doing that and hold hands if they are disagreeing on something. And it becomes a habit that every time they disagree on something they hold hands. And it keeps on happening and every fight they had, they would hold hands. So later when they are teenagers, they are still going to the same school (or maybe they could go to different schools but live near to each other) and when they are on a fight, they hold hands again to calm each other down and with that it's alright between them, as if nothing was there at all. So when they go to college/university, when they are on a fight they still use this method to not worsen their fight and hold their hands whenever they are disagreeing. But it happens that they without even noticing hold hands more than they should and keep on holding hands. They walk around holding hands and they feel comfortable with it. After realizing that, they immediately stop doing that for months but then they realize they can't live without that. Can't live without holding hands with each other. So they do it again. But this time they intertwine them. And it becomes more than that and they slowly fall in love. But not immediately, after some time they start wondering stuff like ehy their heart beats so fast all of a sudden and they distance themselves and y'know that cliche stuff. A love story. A cute one. (oh and I love it when yoongi compliments tae. Bangtan complimenting bangtan is everything. My heart gets warm and I feel so happy. They are a family and I love them so much.)

I think this would be a pretty cute story. Now i just need someone do write it ... whatever. These are my thoughts for today. Lately my head hurts like hell and it's killing me and on top of that, I'm getting sick. :') I was 2 days at home and tomorrow I'll go to school again and I don't WANT to go. UGH okay bye.

just random thoughtsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя