happy end or just another game within a game?

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Life loves playing games.

It's all about the control, the dominance.

Maybe it's just for fun, the laugh.

But it could also be for the hatred, pleasure to see the tears and scratches.

Enjoying every single scream, the struggle it puts you through.

Trying to break from its hands, don't even think about it. It will come back and push you even harder.

It thinks of you simply but only a toy, another doll.

And if it gets bored of you, you will just get tossed aside without much thought

You fail and it will always make sure to be the one who laughs first.

You succeed, it won't like it.

It can be in harmony with you, if you play nicely.

It can give you a lot, makes you overjoyed, makes you believe in the impossible.

It can crush all that in a snap.

All dreams? forget that.

Your ideas? overlooked quickly.

It makes its own rules and as the figure you numly comply.

You let it control you, and maybe, only maybe, you let it play its cards.

You let it get to you, lead you into a direction you never thought of taking in the first place.

Feeling small.

It can be very lonely.

Life has friends, it introduces them to you with such excitement.

Of course you meet them.

The friends aren't happy.

They make you hate, not really any reason why.

You hate people around you, you start hating yourself soon after.

With it comes the dark thoughts, just like bees they surround your mind as if it was honey.

Build a home to themselves and decide to live inside.

Pushing them out? what a joke.

Once there, not a chance on leaving.

It never stops.

They will always make sure there will always be an another bee, another dark friend.

Thoughts swirl around your mind like an sea in a storm, unstoppable.

The water hits the roof, the streets, makes the drowning feeling approach you.

Dark thoughts.



Losing hope.

Losing your light.

A labyrinth.

You try getting out, only to lose yourself more in it.

Life will always be above you, laugh at you and throw some stones at your path.

Sharp stones, those cut into you and leave a scar behind.

You stumble? your fault.

You get hurt? your fault.

You try to breathe, try to get yourself calm down.

Heart beating increases.

The frantic pace you try to walk through, looking everywhere for a chance to escape.

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