Breaking The News

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Restless hours went by as you tossed and turned in your silk sheets. It was the day that you told your parents that you were finally moving out of their giant house into an apartment with your friends. Father was the one you were really scared of telling but you knew that mother would back you up completely. Red digits beaming off of your silent alarm clock. Two A.M. You close your eyes tight but when you open them again it only passed a whole minute which like forever. "Just close your eyes (Y/N), worry about this when it happens tomorrow." You say before hiding under your covers to escape the world and fall asleep. Pots and pans clinking together in the kitchen which meant mother was wide awake preparing her famous breakfast meals. Your mother is a well-known chief on television which really inspired you to become famous ever since you were younger watching her on Cooking with Ramsey. Mother was a very beautiful woman with long blonde hair with a radiant smile which could stop thousands of people from fighting. You smell your mother's omelets all the way from your room which makes you groan before you swing your feet off the bed. You let out an incredibly long yawn before dragging your feet against your soft carpet to your bathroom to take a shower. Hot water running from the shower head and your feet touching the bottom of the tub. You slowly start to wake up from that restless night then begin to wash your hair. Your favorite song playing on your radio that sits on the counter of the sink. You sing your favorite verse, "{Favorite song lyrics here} " before you know it you hear your older brother knocking on the door. "By the way, you share a bathroom Princess Sing A Lot....Come on I have to get ready!!" Jonathan yells from his room where the bathroom connects. "Come on Jon! I just got in here!" you decide to yell back but then hear him hitting the bathroom door harder. Your eyes roll before you finish your short shower and slip into your robe then wrap your hair in a towel. Then you leave out your bathroom door before closing it. Jonathan was still hitting the door that you 'forgot' to unlock. Your music still playing in the bathroom making your brother think you were still inside. Your father walked into your brother's room, "Quiet down, Jonathan. Your sister is probably getting dressed. I bet she's almost done." He said to make Jonathan stop knocking on the door. You forgot that your bedroom door was cracked but your father walked by to check to make sure you were in the bathroom but saw you in the closet looking for clothes in your robe. He walked into your room the cleared his throat, "{Insert full name here}, You go unlock that door this instant so your brother can get ready." He said before giving you a scolding look. "Yes, father...." You replied to your father before going to the bathroom to unlock the door for Jonathan. Father leaves the room then walks downstairs to meet mother in the kitchen. Brushing your golden brown hair in front of your mirror you start to pick out the newest hairstyle to try on your hair. Jonathan's screamo music playing really loudly in the bathroom. After completing the new look, you find the outfit you were going to wear to break the news in. "Maybe a business look to telling them I'm serious...and I mean business," you mumble to yourself before putting on the outfit then throwing on your favorite flats. You then head down the staircase to go meet your parents downstairs. You walk onto your sleeping dog which makes him bark and you fall. "I'm so sorry, Bear!" Bear wags his tail then puts his nose onto your face before starting to smother you in licks. Mother walks into the living room to find you on the floor with Bear, " {Y/N} are you alright, sweetie? What happened..?" She asked before telling Bear to go eat which he runs into the kitchen to do. Mother holds her hand out for you to take so she can help you up. She helps you up then gives you a morning hug. "Mom..." you began before pulling away. "I wanted to discuss something with Father and yourself...About me moving out.... Before you say anything yes I did find a sturdy job and it will provide enough for rent, my car insurance, my car, living and even going out if I planned on doing that..." Mother just looked at you completely shocked that the day finally came. She looked hurt that you wanted to leave but also proud that you were growing up faster than your older brother Jonathan was. "I give you my blessing and if you need our help we will help you in any situation. I'm very proud of you, {Y/N}. You're certainly doing better than Jonathan but that stays between us. I will help you share this amazing news with your father." She said before you throw your arms around your mother to hug her tightly. She kissed your forehead then hugs you back, "But you're still required to come for holiday dinners. No excuses either." Mother said which made you laugh a bit, "Yes ma'am." During Breakfast, you told your father about the plans and goals you've made for your new career starter. He agreed with your choices and also gave his blessing for you to move out into your apartment with Barbara. "I am actually supposed to move in tomorrow with Barbara so....Can we celebrate tonight by going out for dinner...?" You ask your parents then your brother smiled brightly. "Let's celebrate at the finest restaurant in town." Father says to everyone then mother nods her head before looking at you, "But first finish your eggs...Before they get cold."

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