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// Guess who's back!! Thank you all so much, I can't believe we have almost hit 1.6K views on this story! This has truly been the most amazing experience to write for you all and also to see how y'all respond to the chapters! Thank you so much for your kind comments, views, and also your votes! It truly means a lot to me, so thank you Batfam! I'm so excited for you to see what happens next during the next few chapters! //

It had been a few months since you had officially became a full-time news reporter for Gotham City News Department. What excited you the most about Gotham City so far was expecting the unexpected to happen at any point in time. There was so much action in this city alone to have many news covers each and every day for the news to air important information. Today, Batman took down Joker then personally took him to Arkham Asylum, an anonymous source captured a photograph of The Dark Knight and sent it to your P.O. Box. You looked over to the clock in your office it read 9:30 P.M. which made you type quicker on your computer. Bing. Bing. Bing. You sigh when you were typing the last sentence of the paragraph before checking your notifications. Little to your surprise there was a breaking social news alert about Bruce Wayne's new 'it' girl. These photos looked so current that it made you click on the story. The woman was dressed in a beautiful silver ball gown which made her look like some sort of goddess. She had no flaws whatsoever. Why are you still reading this article? Your eyes continued to read the gossip about how Bruce led this woman to dance with, the end of the article says that it wasn't their first tango. Your heart was racing but why you had only been on several dates with the playboy. He always said he wanted to take things slow but now he's playing a game that you didn't know if you wanted to be a part of. A knock on the door made you snap, "What?!" You looked up to see Barbara standing there. "Your ride has been waiting for you for almost twenty minutes. I thought you said you would be done at 9:30," Barbara said then pointed at the clock on the desk that now read 9:57 P.M. "I'm sorry, Barbara. I'm ready..." You said while cleaning everything then saving your work before logging off then slinging your purse on your shoulder. "I need this girls night, just you and me like the old days." You said then Barbara smiled. "I can't wait to take you to Gotham Central Venues, {Y/N}. It's amazing, we can wine and dine." During the car ride, you couldn't help but think about the article you read about Bruce and the mysterious woman. Barbara was one of Bruce's closest friends so you figured that asking her would be the best way to solve this gossip article. But she decided to wait until they got to this Venue that Barbara had been going on about. Barbara parked then fixed her make-up then checked her hair before messing with your bun on your head that made your hair fall to your shoulders. "Barbara, I really don't like my hair on my neck..." You said as you watched in the mirror as she made your hair look pretty. But what was the purpose of doing so much if it was just the two of you. Shaking the thought away you swat her hands away then get out of the car, "God! Come on, mom!" You teased then laughed as she gets out of the car defeated. The two then walked towards the Gotham Central Venues entrance which was very nice. Huge red doors with golden handles to pull to enter the building, the inside was breathtaking so many people that were dressed up dancing to the techno music playing in the background. V.I.P. rooms were blocked off on the second level with golden ropes that security guards opened if you were allowed in. Barbara led us to the bar area which looked pretty normal, but something was off about right now. She kept looking around like she was expecting somebody to join us. "Everything alright, Barbara?" You asked her loud enough for her to hear over the music that was blasting right near them. Barbara nods her head then orders to drinks but didn't answer your question. Dick appeared out of no where which made you jump, "What a surprise to see you here, {Y/N}." You went to say something but felt someone placing their hand on your lower back, "Excuse me.." You turned to meet that 6'2 familiar build that had a sharp black suit on without a tie. "Bruce..." was all you were able to say before locking eyes on his. Barbara and Dick were now heading towards the dance while you awkwardly stood before the playboy. No. You couldn't do it anymore. "Who is she? Are you really in another relationship while you were seeing me? Stop playing your billionaire or millionaire whatever aire you are... your playboy games... I've had it!" Bruce wasn't used to being the one getting interrogated. He was also very confused on what you were talking about so when he saw you turn to walk away he grabs your arm then lead you to the quiet space which was also known as the make-up area. Literally every woman came over to this area to fix their make-up in the large mirror that was behind your head now. Bruce towered over you while looking down at you, still you stood there with a pout. "One, you are the only woman I've been giving all my free time too. I even had Barbara text me the location tonight so I could surprise you from being away for so long." Bruce mentioned which he did just get back from Metropolis over a conference he had to attend. But he did met someone there which he had no romantic ties too whatsoever. "Two, I'm not in any other relationship besides the one we are in. And finally, I'm not playing these so called 'billionaire playboy games'. Where is all this coming from...?" Bruce finally asked after placing his hand against her side which made you look up to meet his eyes again. Now the real question was should you reveal your source for the information or just continue your jealousy over that woman. "The Gossip Buzzfeed..." you caved as you pulled out your phone showing the picture of Bruce and the young woman. "They stated that it wasn't the first time you both tangoed. Oh, forget it! I don't know why I get this worked up over this whole thing. Because honestly if I didn't love you then we probably wouldn't be having this not-so-private conversation here. Stupid article, I shouldn't have read it in the first place..." You said then Bruce's thumb rubs your side as you continue speaking, "I love you too." His words caught your attention then you cover your mouth. You said it first. You actually told the man standing in front of you that you loved him. "I was waiting until our date on Friday to give this to you but maybe now is just fine..." Bruce said then pulled out a black tiny box. "Woah! Bruce this is escalating way too fast. We literally just met a few months ago. Do you really think marriage is the best thing right now after one 'I love you' exchange...?" You said then felt your cheeks heating up. Bruce opened up the tiny box which revealed a promise ring with his and your names engraved on it. "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint. It's just a promise ring for now but who knows whats down the line. But on our date, I was going to ask you to be mine. I want you at my side during those couples dates and theatre visits. What do you say? Will you be my girl?" Bruce asked you with a smirk. He was holding a chuckle in from your outburst on marriage. "Yes! I will be your girl. Sorry about that..." you said as he put the ring onto your finger then pulls you into his warm embrace, "I'm not mad at you, but please talk to me before believing these dramatic websites. What do you say we get out of here and head to the mansion?" He asked you then you sigh of relief. "Yes please. I could get used to our movies nights there. I get to pick the movie for the evening though." Bruce nods his head at your request then held your hand escorting you towards the parked limousine out front. "I'll let you choose any genre except Romance." He said which you nod your head in agreement, "Deal." The rest of the night, the couple cuddled in the cinema room Bruce had at his mansion. You decided to pick a action based film which was more thrilling than the romantic movie that would have been picked out. Bruce couldn't stand 'The Notebook' so they settled for 'Fast Five', he claims to never have seen it. They both had a fair share of wine for the past couple of hours, Bruce told you to spend the night since Dick and Barbara were back at the townhouse. You knew you wouldn't be able to sleep tonight since it was still a new environment to you. You were used to your giant queen size bed with comfy pillows and comforters hugging you to sleep but here would it be the same. The movie wasn't over yet so you rest your head on Bruce's chest which he smiled to as he wraps his arms around your figure. You closed your eyes listening to his heart while he watched the movie still but the rhythm of his heartbeat started to put you to sleep. The feeling of being safe, comfortable, and very warm made you fall asleep. Bruce continued to watch the movie until the end then he went to ask if you wanted to do another movie but he sighed softly seeing you asleep. He picks you up bridal style then carries you to his bedroom. He lays you down softly on the bed then went to go turn the light off but felt a hand reach out to catch his arm, "Please stay..." you quietly ask sleepily. He chuckled while closing the light then came back to his bed. Gotham should be alright one night without Batman going out tonight. Maybe when {Y/N} was heavily asleep that's when he would begin his work. He had to figure out who the woman was in Metropolis, she still had his flash drive with all the data from LexCorp's files. Bruce got off easily by dodging her question earlier in the evening about the woman dancing with him little does {Y/N} know it was just a beginning feud with another hero trying to stand in his way of doing his job. It was now two in the morning, {Y/N} was finally asleep to the point if Bruce shifted that she wouldn't wake up. He walked over to the door leading to the hallway then took the elevator down to the cave. He walked over to the giant screen that had been turned on, "Who are you?" He asked out loud as he scrolled through timelines of facial recognitions on this 'Diana Price' that stole his flash drive. "Wonder Woman. We shall meet again." He said as he made a mental note of where she would capture criminals the most which showed Metropolis. Maybe that's why Superman always got to sit back and relax because this Wonder Woman was getting all the work done. He would find out sooner or later who Superman was. But for now, Batman had all the information he needed. Bruce then thought about the article that his girlfriend had read. He searched it online then was able to wipe the entire internet of the photographs of Diana Price and himself that were ever existent. Bruce then hears an echo of a woman's voice which made him instantly close everything down then take the elevator back upstairs. He stopped on the same level as the kitchen since he could hear, {Y/N}, coming into the kitchen. Bruce was sitting with a glass of water sitting in front of him, "Did I wake you up? I was getting water. Would you like a glass?" He asked which you accepted. "I was just coming to check on you to make sure you were alright. I mean it is still pretty early to be awake. My mom always said don't wake up before the birds are singing." You begin to laugh softly before accepting the glass of water Bruce was handing you. "Thanks checking on me, {Y/N}. Your mom is famous for saying that isn't she. I remember from when I was younger that she said that once or twice to me whenever I would come out of my room to see what our mothers were chatting about," Bruce said then sighed. "I think I'm getting tired again. Let's go back to sleep." He asked as if he was hurt by the memory of his mother. "Sure thing...It's still late.." You said as you watched Bruce approach you to kiss you gently before placing the two empty glasses into the sink then walking with you upstairs. You accidentally tripped which Bruce quickly caught you before you could face plant on the ground. "Have I told you how clumsy I can be?" You blushed before smiling at Bruce, "Thanks...You are my hero." He smiled as he picked you like he did when you were asleep but you didn't mind. You rest your head on his shoulder while he carried you to the bedroom then set you on the bed which you two embraced in as he pulled the covers over your bodies. Honestly, you were starting to get used to this. "Good night." Bruce mumbled into her hair as he kissed her head then you responded, "Good night, Bruce."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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