Dinner with Mr. Playboy

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Bruce made a phone call when everyone was talking to see if someone could come to the townhouse with nice outfits. Bruce wanted to treat Barbara and yourself for the newest milestone in your lives. Bruce waited by the door which made you think that he was thinking about leaving. Not knowing much about him, didn't help the thoughts of what kind of friend he was but if Barbara said he's a good friend then you knew that you could trust him. You were going to go over and talk with Bruce but there was a knock on the door which Bruce opened once he knew who it was, his stylist. The stylist greeted everyone in the living room with Bruce standing beside him, "I wanted to make it a surprise but I will be taking everyone to dinner to celebrate Barbara and {Y/N)'s new home. I called my stylist so he could help us with last-minute outfits. Please enjoy tonight and I can't wait to see how wonderful you all will look after he is done dressing us." Bruce said then sent another charming smile to us all. Mother was now wearing a beautiful red gown with white gloves and black heels while your father had the most handsome tuxedo on with a nice red tie to match his wife. Barbara wore a nice blue gown with a yellow belt around her torso and her father wore a tuxedo now with a yellow tie. Jonathan chooses a white suit with a black tie to wear but also helped his mother down the stairs with father. You were given a black fitting gown that hugs your body perfectly. You noticed how everyone was matching with one another then it made you wonder what Bruce was going to wear. The question was answered when you see Bruce wearing a black suit with a blue tie walking in your direction. He offers his arm to you, "Can I help you down the stairs?" He asked which you nod your head to then follow alongside him down the stairs. "Thanks for being so kind..." you say without making eye contact because you already knew you were going to blush. "What do you mean..?" He asked you. "I mean you really didn't have to go all out with the fancy dinner for us or even the stylist... We could of went someplace low profile here in Gotham City...But instead, you're making us feel...." You said then noticed that his face was more serious now then calm. "Yes?" He asked. "Welcomed...Special...I dunno..." You said then looked back away from him. He chuckled before saying, "Anyone who is friends with my friends deserves to be treated special and welcomed if it's your first time in Gotham City. It's not all that bad. Plus I know our mothers would have wanted us to meet eventually and apart from me is glad they wanted us to... Besides I wanted to get to know you all better, I remember your mother from my childhood when my mother was here. Barbara speaks highly of you which she doesn't do a lot for most people, even Commissioner Gordon," Your face turned red again then you both were standing outside the townhouse. The entire group started walking towards the limousine that pulled up. Alfred had held the door for everyone to get in. Your mother walks towards Bruce and yourself, "I'm sitting with you two so I can hold both of your hands." Your mother said which made you laugh, "Mom..." She smiled then takes your hands while sitting in the limo. The ride wasn't too long before Alfred stopped then let everyone out. Your father now holding your arm while your mother was accompanied by Bruce then Barbara holding onto Jon and her father's arms to walk up the steps. When you walk into the restaurant you looked around amazed by what you saw. People were dancing on this humongous ballroom floor then there were many elegant people dining while watching people dancing. You felt your chest rise than falls once your eye catches the sight of someone from the news department that you were going to be working with soon. Father noticed then looks at you, "{Y/N} what's wrong?" He asked while stopping his feet to turn to his daughter. "N-Nothing... It's just I think that's one of my soon to be managers at that table... I see him open talk shows and then broadcast news every day," You said to father which he chuckles at, "Don't worry, you don't have to impress them. You're an amazing news reporter, they will be thrilled to have you. Just be yourself, {Y/N}," He said then placed his hand reassuringly on your shoulder. "Now let's go eat with everyone. Mr. Wayne picked out this place which looks amazing." He said which led you to hug your father then hold his arm again so he can escort you to the table the group was now sitting at. Of course, the only empty seat now was next to Bruce but Jonathan quickly stood to take it in order to be closer to Barbara. Now you can sit next to your parents while Jonathan talked Bruce's ear off. You cross your legs under the table then opened the menu to look at while everyone chatted. A waiter walks up to the table your family and friends were sitting at then asked you, "Ma'am the man across the way wanted to know what kind of drink he could buy for you..?" Your head still facing the menu but when you didn't hear an answer you looked up to see the waiter looking directly at you. "Me..?" You asked then the waiter nods his head. Barbara smiled brightly before looking at the waiter, "Red wine for the whole table, please. Oh....No wait, champagne to really celebrate this big day." Bruce smiled slightly before turning his head to check to see who was offering you this kind drink. Your face once again turning into a bright pink you hide behind your menu to avoid whoever was looking in your direction. Your mother laughs before placing her hand on your arm, "Don't be embarrassed. You look beautiful and right now there is more than one eye on you apparently." She whispered to you before she moved your menu to see Bruce still looking in your direction until you locked eyes on each other, he then moved his head towards Barbara's direction than said, "Red wine and champagne...? Nice combination don't you think... We will take the red wine then I will take care of his bill as well," He smirked then Barbara rolls her eyes, "Oh whatever pinhead. You didn't say anything so this time I was able to take charge for once." Father looked at mother than asked her, "May I have this dance while we wait for our supper?" He asked standing up with his hand out for mother's hand. She blushed brightly then nods, "Of course you can, {Father's F/N}". You watched as your mother and father waltzed together on the dance floor with other couples. You smiled because you adored your parents so much. They had the kind of love you wanted to find someday. Father whispered something into mother's ear that made her laugh. Mr. Gordon gets up from his seat then asked his daughter to dance then Barbara nods her head then takes off with her father to the dance floor. Only three of us remained at the table. You avoid all contact with Bruce and Jonathan. There was no way that you would be dancing with either one of them. But just as your thought went away the man that offered to buy you a drink, he began to walk over but that's when Bruce stands up from his chair rather quickly as if he seen the stranger coming. Bruce then asked, "{Y/N}, would you care to waltz with me...?" he asked you when you look at him. "I don't really know how to waltz..." You said embarrassed about your answer then looking down to your hands in your lap. That's when you feel him taking a hold of one of your hands to help you out of your chair. "Mr. Wayne..." you said before you knew it both of you were walking towards the dance floor to join the party dancing. Jonathan didn't take long to find a classy woman to dance on the floor with. Bruce respected your space by keeping a certain distance while dancing with you. Beginning to feel safer in his arms you move closer to him when you both were dancing which led him to place his hand on your lower back while you kept your hand in his. "May I ask why you didn't accept that guys offer?" he began to ask but it followed with, "Do you have a boyfriend...?" Stunned by how blunt Bruce was, you looked up to meet your eyes with him. "I didn't accept because I don't know him. The man could have put something into the drink besides I rarely drink so- I have never had... I mean....I don't have a.... Why does it matter?" You asked him now flustered, you find something else to look at instead of making any eye contact with Bruce. Bruce shrugs his shoulders, "Just a question because I didn't want to offend you if I said that you looked beautiful tonight and wished to take you on a date some night." You looked back up to meet his eyes that are starting into yours. In that moment, he looked so charming and hopeful. "Uhm...Thank you, Bruce... I would honestly love to go out one night... Or maybe even for lunch..." You said to him before he sent you into a spin back into his arms which made you giggle. "I'm looking forward to that night now," He said to you while he sways with you in his arms now. Father looked over to see Bruce and yourself dancing which he walked over calmly with your mother to break up the dance, "Mind if I cut in with my {Y/N}, Mr. Wayne?" You look up to your father with a soft smile as you pull away from Bruce, "Sure, Mr. {L/N}. I'll just dance with Mrs. {L/N} for the remainder of the song." Bruce placed your hand to your father's then went dancing with your mother. Your father caught you staring at Bruce when he walked away, "Remember, that you need to focus on work while you're here in Gotham City...Not the playboys, {Y/N}" He warned as he dances the opposite way of Bruce so that way you would pay attention to what he was explaining to you. "Okay, dad...Relax. I'm sure that all the playboys are not the same. I have a feeling that he might be different-" you began then your father interrupted, "Different from the rest, Sweetheart? I'm just warning you because I'm your father. Not only because I'm your father but because I want to keep you safe. Bruce Wayne is always on the newspapers about his ways, I couldn't bear to hear anything bad has happened to you." He finished his speech then twirls you around, "But I know that you are older now...You can make all the decisions you want on your own. Just promise me that you'll stay focused on your work. Just don't rush into things, (Y/N)." After father was done with his little lecture, you made sure you nod your head to agree with his promise. The night was a great night so far but you still wondered what would happen if you did go for Bruce or if you should just keep to yourself for the next few months. You just moved here but men are already throwing themselves at you, maybe a little work will keep you distracted from the distractions.

I Remember You {Batman x Reader} #Wattys2018Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя