What Do You Mean?

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Day Two

It started off as a slow morning, your father was still asleep in the guest bedroom. Breakfast had been cooked and ready. Bruce didn't show up to the dinner date last night. Thankfully you didn't tell your father that he was going to be there because you feared something like that were to happen. The sound of the front door opening then closing caused you to leave the kitchen with a coffee mug in your hands. Barbara was standing at the front door with a taller man that had dark hair. It was Dick Grayson. You had only met him once or twice before but not enough to actually remember who he was. You sent the couple a soft smile then asked, "Are you guys hungry? I made breakfast for everyone. My father is still asleep in the guest room," you mentioned to them then noticed that Barbara was limping a bit in her walk. She gave you a side hug before walking into the kitchen to grab a plate with her boyfriend following behind her. "Nice to see you again, Dick." You said kindly which he replied back with, "Likewise, (Y/N). Thanks for breakfast!" Dick said while walking with Barbara into the kitchen. You walked out onto the front porch with your coffee to just get some fresh air and to clear your head. You listened to the wind howling while it tossed your long hair back. Sipping the strong cup of joe in your hands, you let out a sigh as you close your eyes trying to forget what happened over the past few days. After what seemed like forever but was only fifteen minutes, Barbara walked out onto the front porch and stood beside you. "Bruce called...He's on his way over to come pick us all up for a day out in the city and also dinner. Your father's actually speaking with him now. Is everything okay between you two? You both are my best friends and I really hate to lose that..." Barbara said which you looked at her then replied, "What do you mean by that, Barb? You won't lose us as your best friends. Yesterday he came over to see how I was doing and we had a moment alone in the kitchen... He makes my heart flutter...My palms get sweaty around him now... I also have to stop and think about what I'm saying before saying anything. But then it goes back to him being the Bruce Wayne I thought he would be. He told me yesterday that he was going to take my father and me out but never showed up. So I guess... I was really let down when I was stood up last night. I didn't tell my father because he thinks Bruce is changing his ways and I want that to be true." You explained to Barbara then sipped your coffee again. Barbara just stared at you surprised by almost everything you had said. "(Y/N)...Did you guys kiss?" She asked you which you blushed as you take another long sip of the coffee in your mug. Bruce pulled his car into the driveway. "I have to go get ready..." you said before making your way inside to your room. You closed then locked your door in order to start getting ready. Barbara looked at Bruce as he walked up to the front porch steps, "She okay?" Barbara raised her eyebrow at him before punching his arm, "You hurt her feelings! You ditched her last night from the dinner you planned. Bruce, (Y/N) is one of my closest friends and would like to keep her around longer but if you keep up this billionaire playboy routine don't keep playing with her emotions. She's not one of those girls. She's very hard working which means she doesn't have time for these silly games. Damn it, Bruce...Just keep it in your pants when it comes to her." Barbara said to him which Bruce narrowed his eyes. "I'm not pulling some routine, Barbara. I had important business to take care of yesterday which is the reason why I didn't show up. But I also forgot that I promised her that I would take them both out for dinner. I'm very sorry that you feel that way about this situation but Barbara...She's different... I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt her. I will apologize to her when she comes back outside from the house. I also don't think you can tell me who I can or cannot date on my off time. So I'm going to politely tell you to back off. I never said anything about Dick and yourself. I kept it to myself." Bruce replied back. "You are such an ass sometimes, Bruce," Barbara said as she went inside to where Dick and Mr. (L/N) were sitting in the dining room. Bruce walked in shortly after her then smiled at everyone, "Hello everyone. Good morning it smells really good in here another ham and cheese omelet kind of day? How are you doing today, Mr. (L/N)?" Bruce asked your father. "My morning is still getting started, Mr. Wayne." Your father replied as he sipped on his cup of coffee. Finally getting changed into your outfit for the day which was a fitted dress with sandals. Applying some make-up onto your face before going out into the dining room where your father and friends were all sitting. Of course, you avoided eye contact with Bruce because you were upset that he stood you up the previous night. Walking over to fix your cup of coffee you felt a hand placed on your shoulder but it wasn't who you thought it was going to be. "Barb?" You asked as she stood beside you, "Too many men in the other room. I might have yelled at him for you when I was outside on the porch...Sorry, not sorry." Barbara said as she shrugs her shoulder. You smile at her then shake your head, "Thanks I guess but I could've handled it. But I'm glad you said something before me... This is so awkward being around him after he stood me up." You honestly reply then when Barbara was going to say something Bruce and Dick walked into the kitchen to refill their coffee mugs along with your father's mug. You could hear you father carrying on their conversation loudly so the men could still hear him talking about politics and economics. You simply roll your eyes at his nonsense then looked over to the men poking at your coffee machine. "You guys go sit down! I'll do this and tell my father to stop nagging about the politics or he won't stop." You say but you mostly looked at Dick. Barbara then walked over to take the mugs away from Bruce and Dick. Bruce followed behind Dick but then stopped when he was shoulder to shoulder with you, "I'm very sorry about the other night. I do plan on making it up to you. (Y/N) I can tell you that now. I was very serious about what I said the other night... I'm not going to lose you." Bruce stated before walking into the next room. You felt like you were being chocked up by his words which you could finally breathe once he left the kitchen. Barbara gave you the 'What did he just say or do to you' look which you take a sip of the coffee you were holding. "Well, that was interesting." Barbara stated as she pours the now ready coffee. "What do you mean...?" You asked which she looked at you again, "You already know..."

I Remember You {Batman x Reader} #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now