Moving Day

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After dinner the previous night, father and mother helped pack all of your belongings. Father even wrote on the boxes for where they needed to be placed. They rented out a UHual truck to help with the moving process. Barbara sent a picture of the townhouse to your phone so that way you could show your parents where you both will be living. Following the map that morning you start driving to the townhouse in Gotham City. It was an hour out from your part of Gotham but not the city. You were starring outside the window as you were amazed but father wasn't too fond of Gotham. "Now sweetheart.. When living down here I want you to start carrying your pepper spray and gun again in your truck." Father began then you looked over at him with a raised eyebrow. "Now why would I wanna do something like that dad..." You ask father but his eyes were starring to the road as he drives, "Because of those freaks dressed up in costumes acting like it's Halloween every night. Just want you to be safe and not followed by any men or women in a mask. Just carry it in the truck at all times but you can carry your spray with you at all times to make sure you're safe. I also bought some cameras so I can set up security cameras in the townhouse inside and outside so that way you're safe with Barbara. At least, you're living with the Commissioner's daughter. He will keep you both safe here in Gotham City." He said before listening to the GPS then being cut off by a fancy black car. It was shaped really weird, but in a way it was unique. He narrowed his eyes, "Also I'm still paying the car insurance so stay away from jack-asses like him. He is going beyond over the speed limit which is only fifty-five ." He said watching the black car disappear from view. "Dad...I'm going to be alright. Also, what makes you think it's a man behind the wheel," you say reassuringly to calm him down then he nods his head before giving you his smile. "If you need anything we are a phone call away." He said but it made him feel better knowing that you were going to be alright. "I wonder if Jonathan and mother are alright because they have been driving my truck for an hour already. Maybe I will give them a ring," you said then father looks at you before looking back at the road. "Leave them be. Your mother wanted to speak with Jonathan about his future and thought it would be a good time for her to bond with him on this trip to your new home," He explained while driving into the part of the city which said, 'Welcome to Gotham City'. "Welcome home, {Y/N}" father said with a bright smile which made you smile. When your family pulls into the driveway after driving for another twenty minutes of entering the city, your father notices two cars already in your driveway. "{Y/N}!!!! She's here, guys!" Barbara said before running off of the porch steps to come greet your family. Barbara's father, Jim Gordon, walked outside then waved to your father who was stepping out of the car at the moment. You open your door then hug Barbara tightly. "Welcome home!!" Barbara said to you then you giggle. "That's going to be fun saying from now on. Welcome home, Barb!!" you said back then smiled brightly. Your mother walks up to Barbara to hug her, "Now I expect you, young ladies, to behave yourself at all time and be careful when y'all are going around the city. Oh, also,  I want you all to come over for Thanksgiving if you can this week and if not we will bring the celebration to your new townhouse. It's pretty nice from the outside especially for Gotham City." Your mother said which made Barbara nod then smile. "Yes Mrs. {L/N}, we will be on our best behaviors but we're adults now. Nothing like back in private school which is promised. Or college..." Barbara nudges your arm making you laugh. Your brother had always had a crush on Barbara but she was currently seeing some boy named Dick from the college you'd attended together. You noticed movement from the inside of your new home but thought everyone else was outside. "Is that Dick?" You asked Barbara but then before she gets to say anything you see a tall handsome man with dark hair, exit the front door and flash everyone there with his charming smile. Barbara shakes her head quickly, "No, that's not Dick but he's a family friend of ours and he volunteered to help us get everything set up. He took off today and tomorrow to help us with furniture and painting. His name is Bruce...Bruc-" Barbara went to finish but your mother says, "Bruce Wayne, my- well isn't it nice to see a familiar face!" Your father looked stunned as your mother walks up to Bruce and give him a hug. Your parents mentioned being close with The Wayne Family but never mentioned anything about their son, or even the fact that they had a son. Actualy mother never liked to bring up Martha anymore because it was too painful to discuss the murder or her close friend. "I remember helping your mother cooking in the kitchen when you were a child. You had to have been around three or four years old, Alfred at the time didn't know a lot about the mother's way of cooking. So Martha and I thought we could teach him, It's been such a long time... How have you been doing?" She asked Bruce which he smiled lightly after returning a hug to mother. He takes a deep breath before saying, "Well, I do recall the amazing pecan pie you made for us when I turned five. I've got to say having that again this year would be amazing. Alfred will actually be here soon so he will be just as surprised to see you as I am. I heard you moved right after the incident happened." Bruce and your mother continued to talk but your father nudges you to start moving things into the house. Barbara helped but the conversation between your mother and Bruce continued. Carrying heavy boxes inside of the house for the first time, you sigh then look at Barbara, "Not like college at all... I'm beyond grateful that we're not in a dorm." Barbara laughs then nods her head, "Your right...At least, I won't hear our suitemates snoring." She said which made both of you giggle. "Barb, have you figured out which room you wanted to use?" You ask her then she looked at you, "I really don't mind...I kind of want light in my room." Barbara said then you nod, "Perfect I prefer my room to be dark for sleeping so just one window is fine for me. I'll just have my father put the curtain up in my room." You said then watched your brother place a few things into your new bedroom. Barbara and Jim head to her room with her boxes. Your father and yourself walk into your room to place your boxes into a corner. You placed the last box on the top with the word, 'memories' written on the top. Father then looks over at you, "Now let's see how really strong you are. Let's move the bed into the room from the truck. But first I'll race you on the count of three. One.....THREE!" your father says then races outside the room. You laugh then chase after your father, "Not fair old man you cheated!" You said when you ran passed your mother and Bruce Wayne. Your {H/C} hair flying around as you run then stopped at the truck before laughing as Jonathan runs outside after twenty seconds. "Not fair. All I heard was one...Not the other two numbers." Jon said that made you both laugh. Your father begins to pull the bed out of the truck then instructs you on what to do before you hear someone behind you all. "I will do this with you both while Barbara and yourself handle the kitchen with Mrs. {L/N}. She wanted the ladies in the kitchen." Bruce said which made your face go red a little but you instantly turned to go into the house with mother and Barbara. Bruce looked at you while you walked past before helping father and Jon. They arrange your new set up in your bedroom while you cleaned the kitchen with mother and Barbara. " do you know that guy?" You ask your mother then she sighed heavily, "I used to be his mother's best friend. When his parents were murdered I fell into depression then we moved away from this place... That's when I met your father outside of Gotham. But Martha and I used to be in school together. We had dreams of having kids grow up together and well one day...Never mind... but I'm very fond of the Wayne household." That's when a knock was heard at the door before an elderly man walked in not bad looking for his age. "Well, hello everyone, just wondering if Master Bruce was still around?" He asked before he smiled when he sees your mother. "Well, I will be darned. Miss {Mother's F/N} is that you?" She nods her head before running over to hug him. "Master?" You ask softly to Barbara who nods her head before whispering, "Billionaire- playboy..." You then sighed remembering how much you hated people with those egos. She noticed the sigh before saying, "Don't judge too quick...He's a nice guy. Probably too caring at times. You should get to know him, he's one of my best friends. He's a great friend-" She said to you before you load the last load into the dishwasher. You then hear your father laughing with Bruce Wayne. Head-turning towards their direction you notice Bruce was now looking at you with a million dollar smile. Literally. You feel your cheeks turning hot then look back at the dishwasher to push start. It was going to be a long day. A few hours passed by and with everyone's help you all managed to make the vacant townhouse into a home. You all took photos for your parents' sakes then you hear your mother ask for a picture of Bruce and yourself. Before you could ask why, Bruce wraps an arm around your side then smiled towards your mother. You held your arm like a school girl because you were so blushing in front of everyone. Your mother and Alfred take some photos of you two then you look at Bruce to see him looking at you, "Hi-". Bruce smiled down at you then replied, "Hello, my name is Bruce. It's nice to formally meet you... I'm sorry I didn't catch your name?" He asked you. "{F/N} {L/N}, But I liked to be called, {Nickname}." You said before realizing you were still being held by his arm. Cheeks turning hotter than the sun you pulled away then said, "Nice to meet you as well... Pardon me-" Then walked into your room to set more things up. Bruce announced to everyone that he was taking them all out for dinner to celebrate Barbara and your new journey.

I Remember You {Batman x Reader} #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now