There Goes That Story

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After the date, you had last night you hadn't stopped smiling since. Even though you were at work it had been a great morning because of that previous night. You were running errands for your management team but while you were in the copying room you heard his voice. It must have been your imagination because he wasn't going to drop everything to just come see you. "Alright, now where are you conducting the interview? How long is it going to be?" Bruce's voice fired off questions again. This time you turned around to see Bruce walking with the production team along with another news reporter whom you were beyond jealous of. Samantha was her name and she had most beautiful eyes, hair, outfits, shoes, and God that woman had everything you wanted for yourself. But most importantly she was acting little more than friendly with Bruce. You knew that you two hadn't known each other long that you could both date others because you were in the dating phase. "Geez, (Y/N) take a picture it last longer." said your friend, Amelia. She was another news reporter also a photographer but she worked with you in your department. As soon as she said your name Bruce's head turned towards the direction you both were in which caused you to hide behind her. "Shh... He can hear you!" you whisper then quickly hide behind the wall. Amelia smirks at you before saying, "He can also see us too." She said before waving at Bruce. You sighed heavily before sneaking out the side door to enter another office. Bruce was now talking to Amelia before he returned to the group of reporters he was supposed to be interviewed by. He thought he had heard your voice coming from the direction that's the only reason why he went towards Amelia and yourself. Bruce was now speaking with Samantha which you watched from afar because if anything were to happen between them you knew that you wouldn't want to contact him again. "Bruce, if you're free after our interview. I was wondering if we could swing by that coffee place you took me to once. What do you say?" Samantha asked Bruce which he seemed to be taken by surprise. You frowned then moved some papers around on your desk to pretend to be doing something. Bruce shakes his head, "I'm sorry but I'm currently seeing someone at the moment so I don't think it would be wise for us to go to that coffee place." Did he just say that he was seeing someone? Wait, was that someone you? Dropping your papers from your hands to the floor, you froze as Amelia came over to help you clean the paperwork from the ground. Samantha continued her interview with Bruce but he watched Amelia and yourself from his chair. Amelia fixes the papers then snaps her fingers at you, "Come on, (Y/N). Snap out of it. We need to finish this so we can go grab lunch." Standing up with the now organized papers, you walk with Amelia towards the open office but the door was opened before you were able to touch the knob. The green haired man that you were kidnapped and terrified by was now walking in front of Amelia and yourself. He had looked really annoyed by something because he wasn't smiling which was even more creepy. Backing away from Joker and his goons made you remember when you were trapped in the back of the van. Was he back for you? You began to wonder but that thought was tossed aside when you felt strong arms pulling you to the side which you were now standing with Bruce. Amelia had now stepped up to the desk where Samantha was standing at before she asked, "What the hell do you want here, Joker?" He then looked at her then pulled something out of his pocket which was a gun. He fired twice into the air then he looked at Amelia, "For you to shut your trap. I'm the one with the demanding questions. I'm the only one allowed to speak. But I need to also speak with the world so get those cameras turned on right now." Joker demanded which the tech crew instantly got the cameras rolling which turned into a breaking news alert as soon as Joker sat down in front of the camera. "If Batman is out there listening we have unfinished business here. Now you blew up the biggest mission I was almost done with completing so... If you don't show up here alone in the next hour from now I will start killing every single reporter in this news station. The tock is ticking." The Joker said while looking around to see who he could start with. While Joker was talking Bruce backed up with you behind him into the open office which was the dark room. Bruce then slowly closed the door then quietly moves his phone to make a phone call. "If you're calling the police they will hear you talking on the phone..." You began to explain but in a whisper. Bruce just looked at you before sighing, "I'm calling Batman... Yes Batman, did you see the news..He's here at the same news station as I'm in..." Bruce tried his best to act scared but he wasn't really scared more so injured still so he couldn't wipe out Joker like he wanted too. You sit next to the door but away from the frame so no one could see your shadow outside the door. A part of you just wanted to cry but then you feel his arms wrapping around you again. "It's going to be alright, (Y/N). Batman is coming to save us all." Bruce said trying to keep her calm but he noticed something off about her. "What's wrong?" he asked which you looked at him, "Bruce... Joker shot the Batman... What if he is too hurt to do anything? What if he just wants to finish what he started the other night from when he kidnapped me... He probably will just kill Batman then kill us afterwards." you said then feel tears fall down your face, "My father was right... I should have stayed home. I shouldn't have left because now my life is a mess...." Bruce looked at you knowing how much you felt it was your fault. "It's not your fault and I have a feeling that it's going to take a lot more than a coward's gun to harm that Batman character." He said which he then wraps an arm around you which you lean into his body and cry against his chest softly. You were scared that something was going to happened again. Reporters from the other room gasp when Batman came crashing into the building. Moving away from Bruce's comforting arms you decided to look out the blinds of the window, "It's Batman! Bruce, he came back!" Bruce nods his head before standing up then slipping out of the doorway to escort people out of harm's way especially since Dick was alone. Where was Barbara? Bruce spotted Batgirl being attacked by Joker's goons which made him narrow his eyes. He had to remember that right now he was Bruce Wayne and not The Batman. Bruce quickly took a glance down to the desk beside him which held all of the technical gear. He grabs the large lighting rod then raced over to help Batgirl from the goons. He swiftly swings the rod towards both of the goons sending them towards the wall. Bruce then sees you come out of the office so he offers his hand to Batgirl, "Need a hand Bat...uhm. Lady?" Bruce said as the playboy more than Batman. Batgirl takes his help up before pointing towards you, "Get her and get out of this new station. The police will be here soon to clean up these guys but for now, it's not safe. Go!" She said before hearing Dick call for her, "Coming Ni...Batman!" Bruce quickly runs towards your direction to help you out of the building, "It's not safe! Let's get out of here!" Police sirens were heard from outside which meant more help had arrived, Bruce and yourself were now coming outside with your hands up just to make them sure that it wasn't you causing the trouble. Your eyes now widened when you see Jim Gordon signaling you to run towards his direction which you did. Bruce had followed your lead but stayed back to watch the exits doors.  He was more concerned for his partners now that they were fighting without his lead. "Are you alright, (y/n)? We headed here as soon as we saw the news with Joker's face on it. Your father is on his way now with your brother. His directions were to keep you with me at the station after this is all said and done with. He's probably just worried about you." Commissioner Gordon said as he then rests a hand on your shoulder. After what seemed like forever, Batgirl and Batman or as Bruce only know Nightwing walk out with Joker and all of his goons in cuffs and tied up with ropes. Bruce sighed quietly to himself before watching a car pulling up to the scene from the side of his eye. He realized who it was then turned, "Mr. (L/N), (Y/N) is alright! The police have everything under control as well as the criminals behind this nonsense." Your fathers nodded his head at Bruce's statement but continued walking till he was standing in front of you. "Father, I'm alright... Batman and Batgirl saved us all and Bruce guided me to safety the whole time." before you could say anything else your father instantly wraps you in his tight arms for a hug. "I'm alright... I'm safe, daddy." you said knowing that he was really worried about you. Another eventful night in Gotham City and your father told you that he was staying the week with you until he felt like he needed to leave.


Batgirl was thrown across the room by one of Joker's goons

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Batgirl was thrown across the room by one of Joker's goons. "You boys just don't know how to play nicely, do you?!?" Batgirl asked as she lands on her feet as she then springs forward to take down two goons at the same time. Joker's mad laughter filled the room but where was he in the first place. Batgirl questioned Joker's whereabouts then hears a few news reporters screaming in a room followed by laughter. "Oh no!" Batgirl knocked the two goons heads together after being in a full fight with them. The goons fall down to the ground as Batgirl now runs over to the room of laughter. There was three news reporters on the ground with huge smiles on their faces as Joker stands over them with his huge grin written on his face. "They understood the punchline, Batgirl. Now the question to ask is will you understand the punchline," Joker asked her with an insane expression which didn't make Batgirl uneasy. "They only person that'll be delivering a punchline will be me!" Batgirl stated but before she could finish off the fight Batman, or in this case Nightwing, threw a goon straight into Joker followed by pushing a button on the utility belt that caused the electric rope to tie them together. If they were to try to escape at any point they would be delivered a shock like a taser. Joker laughed then looked at Batgirl and Batman, "So how's the old fart doing? Is he dying slowly like I originally planned? Because I tell you Nightwing....You cannot fight like the Batman...HAHAHA!! No, because if you were Batman there would have been a good stand off fight that would last at least a good fifteen minutes. Now this wasn't apart of the scheduled program what so ever. Tell the actual 'Batman' that I want to see him at Arkham to discuss the rest of our fight." Joker said then laughed insanely but that's when Commissioner Gordon and the rest of the officers of the GCPD came running in. Batgirl stares at the three lifeless news reporters that laid on the ground. Joker and his goons were all taken to Arkham Asylum while Batman and Batgirl watched as a few officers came in to clean the scene. The crime scene tape was now placed in all of the rooms of the news station. Batgirl overheard an officer say how they wanted to bring in Batman and Batgirl for questioning. "We aren't welcomed here anymore..." Batgirl said as she walks out the back door with Batman, they grapple their way to the next few rooftops then he calls for the Batmobile. "Joker knew that I wasn't Batman..." Nightwing started then Batgirl interrupted, "I mean it's pretty obvious that you both fight differently, Dick. You move too quickly with your arrests but with Batman, he actually gets them to speak first about what they are planning next but we won't even know that until he is completely healed and back to being the Dark Knight." Batgirl stated then watched as Nightwing looks down below the street where the Batmobile pulled up. "You know, there'll be a day when the city will want to put us all away including us but at least I got Joker to Arkham tonight versus on the street. What did you do?" Nightwing said which made Batgirl narrow her eyes, "I did my job correctly versus the Robin standing before me." She then grapples away as she makes her way home she couldn't help but think of the things she really wanted to say to Dick but she said what was on her mind which would be enough. Dick placed his hand over his face thinking about everything that was just said between the couple. 

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