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 I don't know how many people actually like Jeremy, but I never see him getting any love and he doesn't to be paid much attention. That's actually kind of unfortunate, because he wasn't a bad character.

 When we first met Jeremy, he was also struggling with the loss of his parents, same as Elena. But he was handling it somewhat differently from his sister, as he had been doing drugs in secret for a while. Although that is never a good idea, it is understandable why. It was just how he coped with his loss.

 Jeremy was never treated very well on the show. His relationships with Vicki, Anna and Bonnie all ended with them dying, and even Jeremy himself was killed off for half of the fourth season. He was put through a lot of rough times throughout the show, and it doesn't really seem fair.

 Jeremy did become a hunter, and when he exited the show in the sixth season I believe he was off hunting vampires somewhere. He did come back for a quick appearance in the series finale, though, where he was seen helping Caroline and Alaric in opening the new boarding school.

 I personally never liked Jeremy all that much, but I think he still deserves some love after everything he was put through.

 Are there any Jeremy fics? I have seen a few around, but I'm not sure how much Jeremy is written really about. I haven't seen any stories that really focus on Jeremy himself.

Underrated 'The Vampire Dairies' and 'The Originals' CharactersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora