Chapter 4

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AThe song finished. "What's next?" Niall asks.

"Moments." Zayn says. We all stare and give him a strange look. "What?" he asks, throwing up his hands. "I'm the mysterious one."

'Shut the door, turn the light off. I wanna be with you. I wanna feel your love.' Liam started. Niall was beautifully strumming on Harry's guitar. It got to Zayn's turn to sing and he looked at me and let out his note. The look was a 'I love you please realize it and love me too' look (I am really good at telling people's looks). I just sat there, not showing any real signs of emotion except for hyperness and happiness.

Unfortunately, Moments ended. "Any other songs?" Niall asked.

"I'M SEXY AND I KNOW IT!" Harry yells, getting up and doing some hip thrusts. I stand up and join him.

'When I walk on by, girls be lookin' like damn he fly' we sing, jumping around and hip thrusting. Obviously, the marshmallows and chocolate have given us a boost of energy. Our little singing time was over.

Harry walks up to me and turns his back. This could only mean one thing: PIGGY BACK RIDES! He picks me up and we were off. Apparently we were racing. Next to us was Abby  and Louis and on the the other side was Liam and Jordan. Zayn and Emily were the officiators. Sarah and Niall were discussing where to get the best chicken (Nandos, duh).

"Giddy up!" I yell. Harry runs faster. We reach reach the fence of our yard. I jump down. "We won!" I yell. Wee jump around and high-five each other.

"Rematch! I call a rematch!" Louis yells.

"Oh its on." Harry says.

We rematch. It was neck and neck, so close. Jordan and Liam won the rematch. Harry and I came in at a close second.

I got off og Harry's back and went into the shed and pulled out my bike. I was high on sugar so I was eventually going to do something really crazy. Did you know its hard to ride your bike on the grass? Zayn jumped onto my handle bars. I started laughing so hard. I almost drove into the pool because I was laughing so hard. I then almost hit Jordan and Liam, who were sitting by the fire, cuddling (can I get a collective aww). Apparently, Harry had had enough of us riding around and almost crashing into things, so he pushed us over. That made me laugh even more.

I looked up and notice Abby and Louis dancing around the fire, chanting nonsense and singing. "POWWOW!" I yell. Zayn leads me over to them (knowing that if I had been on my own, I would have walked into the pool because I was so hyper and crazy). Liam was holding the bag of marshmallows, closing them and was about to put them away.  I stole the bag right from his hands and popped a marshmallow into my mouth. "Come on Daddy Directioner," I tease. "Join our powwow. We are asking the concert gods for good luck at your concert tomorrow."

"Fine. But we have to go straight to bed afterwords."

"Come on then." I say, pulling on his arm. He reluctantly follows. We chant and sing random things for about an hour. Finally, Liam had the common sense to check his watch.

"Whoa! Everyone, off to bed!" he says, scattering us. I look at Liam, giving the 'do we have to?' look. It didn't work. Abby and Louis kiss each other good night.

"G'night." I said, waving my hand.

"G'night little sis!" Harry said, squeezing me into a hug.

"Too hard. Too hard!" I groaned, out of breath. He finally let go. I took a big, dramatic breath of air. "I can breathe!" I said, running inside. Once in my room, I flopped on my bed. Abby proceeded to flop onto hers. Our room is a light, sky  blue. On the walls hung a plethora of One Direction posters (signed of course). My bed had a white with multe-colored polka dot theme. It was really quite cute. Abby's bed was white and had little cute carrot figures on it. Louis got it for her for her birthday.

"I'm so excited for their concert tomorrow!" Abby said.

"I just can't wait to go to bed." I say, stepping out of the on suite bathroom, finishing putting up a messy bun.

"I see what you did there." Abby said, smiling and pointing.

Brushing my teeth, all I could say was, "Mmmmm."

When I was done, I flopped on my bed. I heaved out a huge sigh. "Well, today has been fun."

"It has, it has." Abby said, fluffing up her pillow.

"You and Louis seem to be getting along well." I say, trying to strike up a small conversation.

"Omg! Guess what he asked me today!!!" Abby exclaimed. Growing up with Harry, dirty thoughts started running through my mind. I must've made a face because the next thing Abby said was, "Nothing like that!!" She waved her hands.

"Okay good!" I sighed, putting a hand on my chest. "You scared me there for a bit." We laughed so hard and loud, Harry came in and had to check that we were alright.

Once he left, we started laughing even louder. Finally, we calmed down.

"He asked me to move in with him," she squealed. This caused me to sit up.

"He asked you to move in with him?!" I asked.

"He asked me to move in with him!!" Abby confirmed.

"What did you say?"

"I said that it was a big decision and I neede to sleep on it."

"You're right aobut the whole big decision thing. But THE Louis Tomlinson asked you to move in with him!! It's a once in a lifetime opportunity! I say, take it!! You guys are perfect for each other!"

"You really think we are perfect for each other? You're right. I just thought I'd sleep on it. But I pretty much made up my mind. I'll do it!" We screamed and jumped around the room. Apparently, everyone was too deep asleep (cough, cough, Harry and Zayn. Those boys could sleep through bombs going off) to hear us. Then again, it was about 1 am in the morning.

"We should head to bed." I said, once we finally calmed down to a dull roar.

"I agree." Abby said, turning off the lights.


Author's Note:

Things are going to change for Becca. Will they be good? Will they be bad?

I'll try to find a pic for Becca and Abby's bed. Wish me luck with that. Keep checking the litt bar thing over there =======> (see what I did there? It's an arrow!) to see if it's up.

The next chapter probably won't be up until mid July. I've got 2 nerdy camps to attend so that will be taking up most of my time.

Comment if youlike it and give suggestions on where I should go from here. First to comment will get the next chapter about them or dedicated to them. It's their choice.

So......that's it. Have a great summer!

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