chapter twelve

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Joys point of view

It had been a week since ive gotten out of the hospital and tomorrow we start filming again. My stutter has gotten better but I still stutter in every sentence.

It was around 4:00 pm and we were all watching Sophias movie "Run Away" we also were all talking since we have seen the movie and I was practicing.

I still use the richie one and ghost one they help the most. Except I say finn instead of richie cause its funnier.

I was doing it by myself quietly whike everyone else was talking.

"He thrusts his fish against the post and still insist he sees the ghost"

O my god. I did it. I finally did it.

" shut up finn just because your a virgin doesnt mean we all are"

I can do it.

"Hey joy did you say something" Jack says

I nod my head.

"What was it" he says.

"Shut up finn just because your a virgin doesnt mean we all are" I say smiling.

Everyone is smiling put in shock.

" He thrust his fist agaisnt the post and still insist he sees the ghost" I say again.

"Joy omg you did it" Jack says picking me up and spinning me around.

"Thanks guys I couldnt have done it without you"

"Wow this is weird" finn says

"What is finny boy" i smile

"Being able to understand your insults" he laughs as does everyone else.

"Oh shush you uneducated rat" I laugh out

"Its on Grazer"

"Only if you can catch me wolfhard" I scream running up the stairs.

"You will regret that Waters" he screams

"Tozier shut your trap" I laugh out

The rest of the night we all joked around and had a great time. We were all so excited to start filming tomorrow.

A/n this is like an important filler
Next chapter is going to be a filler also and then there will be a time skip
Then something bug is gonna happen

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