chapter fourteen

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Joys point of view

Today was a sad day, I finished filming all of my scenes for it and today was August 1st just one month and eight days till the movie comes out.

I chilled in our bus with the boys and got a call from my manager, carrie.

"Hey carrie whats up"

"Nothing just the fact that you and the rest of the cast is invited to the grammys" she says

"No fucking way"

"Its true"

"I gotta tel the boys ill get the details from you later"

" okay also tell them you guys have a interview thursday and a photoshoot friday ill send you and andi the details" she says and hangs up.

"Guys guess what" I say

" what" wyatt says

"We have an interview thursday and a photoshoot friday" I say happily.

"Thats cool our first interview" Jack says smiling.

"Thats not all" I say bouncing up and down.

"Whats the other thing then" finn asks looking at his phone.

"We are going to the grammys" I say smiling.

They all get up and we celebrate I mean its the grammys its exciting.

- skip to thursday-

We arrived at our interview I was wearing a Nice dress and heels while the boys wore tuxes. Sadly Soph, chosen and ben couldnt come.

( Int= interviewer)

Int- So our you guys ready for the release of your movie

Joy- Im pumped it is going to be so amazing

Jae- I agree I cant wait

Int- so I am going to ask you guys some questions on the movie and random ones too and then we will play a game okay?

Finn- sounds good

Jack- yup

Int- so what are your favorite quotes from the movie it can be your own or someone elses

Jae- mine is when Finn over here who plays richie yells "rock war" and gets hit in the head.

Joy- mines also a richie quote its, wait is it okay if I swear?

Int- yes it is fine

Joy- okay mine is "Go blow your dad you mullet wearing asshole"

Jack- I like that one but one of my favorites is one of Joys when she is taking to my character eddie which is " eddie loosen up a bit the worst your mother can do is sit on you". I could never finish the scene because I would laugh so much.

Wyatt- That part is pretty funny but I love another one of Joys quotes which is "I dont care if you take my weed or alcohol, fuck it you can take away my virginity, if it was still there, but you dont take my friends" I cracked up when I read that and when Joy read it it was even funnier.

Joy- that is one of my favorites also because Bill, who plays pennywise, had no idea what I was going to say and the look of surprise of his face when he sees a girl who is only 5'1 tiny and is 14 say that he broke character and started laughing which he never had done before.

Finn- That was really funny but my favorite quote is "Shut up richie just because your a virgin doesnt mean we all are" I love it because Joy trashes the trash mouth and it is amazing.

Int- I cant wait to hear all of those in the movie

Bunch of random questions

Int- now time for the game I will read off a would you rather to one person at a time and you have to answer sound good

Joy- yup

Int- okay Wyatt would you rather fall of the stage at the grammys or drop your grammy walking of stage?

Wyatt- obviously fall off stage because I do not want to break my grammy

Int- okay, now finn would you rather be stuck watching stranger things for the rest of your life or IT

Finn- stranger things because even though I like IT more, sorry cast of stranger things, id have nightmares for the rest of my life so...

Int- true, okay now Jack would you rather never film IT but have an acting career the rest of your life, or film IT but never get another acting job.

Jack- I would film IT because these guys are my family and I would have never meet Joy and I cant live without her

Int- thanks sweet. Now Jaeden would you rather fight pennywise or Voldemort?

Jae- Fight Voldermort because hes an old man with a snake and pennywise it an actual demon.

Int- good point now lastly Joy would you rather live with these guys for the rest of your life or travel the world for the rest of your life?

Joy- Id definitely live with these guys for the rest of my life because I love them all and they are amazing.

Int- Aww, well thats all for today thanks for coming in. Have a nice day.

( end of interview)

After the interview we all went out for ice cream, I got salted Carmel swirl.

"Guys I dont wanna have the film be over" I say sadly.

"I know me either I dont want to leave you guys" Jae says

" we honestly should just get a house together" Wyatt jokes.

"We should" finn says.

"I was joking no one can afford a house for six teenagers (jack, joy, soph, finn, jae, wyatt)" Wyatt says.

"Our parents can" Jack says

"No one would allow that though" I say sadly.

"I mean it always worth a try" Jack smiles.

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