chapter eighteen

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Joys point of view

Me, Jack, Jaeden, and Finn enter Nielbolt as everyone else keeps watch.

We see betty ripsom and act scarred because in all honestly this shit is scary as hell.
(By the way In my version eddie breaks his arm before going into nielbolt because of Kaitlyn being in the story, sorry if you are confused)

I then walk forward just like I did in the movie and get pulled into a room.

It starts filling up with water and I look forward and see IT I scream and hear everyone banging on the door. The water suddenly drains and I run into the next room to see Jack on the ground in the wall hiding from IT.

Then it comes towards me and its claws scratch me everywhere and it hurts like hell.

Then I look up and see Sophia stab a pole through its head and we all run out.

Im crying because of the cuts and Jae is holding me and Jack is on the ground whimpering.

- skip to next time in nielbolt-

We has to fake our fight and everthing, its been hell, I want to get home and see my parents but today is the day.

Today is the final battle.

A/n I know this is confusing but basically somehow they all get sucked into this dimensions where they are there characters and the only way they can get out is if they kill it. This is important for the rest of the plot for the other parts of the story.

OH NO , it castKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat