Delilah{Luke Hemmings}

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High school. These are guaranteed to be the worst years of your life. All around me are the smart nerds, the athletes, the jocks, and the fake popular girls. And then there was me. I didn't belong anywhere. All I had was two of my closest friends.. And I wouldn't even call them friends.

"Why do we even let you sit here Delilah?"

"Mar! Don't be rude Delilah you can sit here if you want to."

"Thanks Toby at least someone is nice," I respond rolling my eyes and taking a seat at the lunch table.

"I'm only kidding God can't you people take a joke?" Mara responds with a fake smile as she twirls a piece of her blonde hair around her finger.

Mara and I don't exactly 'get along' Toby says that she is probably just intimidated by me. But I think it's because she has liked Toby since the 4th grade and he barely even gives her a glance.

"Oh my God! Do you see that guy over there!"

Oh did I forget to mention, Mara try's to get with any guy that has a nice body and breathes.

"Oh that guy? That's Luke Hemmings he's a football player and a musician,"
Toby responds taking the food off my tray.

I swat his hand away and give him a glare as he chuckles.

"He's hot."

"Mar no offense but you say that about every guy."

"Shut up Toby! I do not only certain guys," Mara responds as she stands up from the table.

"Is she-"

"Yes she is going over there to flirt with him," I respond popping a grape in my mouth.

We watch as Mara's face goes from lust to confusion. She walks back over to us with her mouth wide open.

"Someone got rejected," Toby states I chuckle.

"Shut up Delilah at least I have gotten a boyfriend before unlike you nobody even likes you."

I glare at her.

"Okay ladies lets get along," Toby says as the bell rings signaling the end of lunch.

Toby gives me a quick side hug like he always does.

"Bye Delilah. See you after school."

We both smile as Mar walks away from us rolling her eyes.


English class. The only class I have a decent grade in. I love writing it expresses how I feel.

As Mr.Tomms begins talking about the history of Shakespeare I feel a tapping on my back. I try ignoring it... Key word 'try.'

"What do you want!?" I ask angrily. I turn around to be faced with the one and only Luke. Luke Hemmings.

He looks at me like he's trying to figure me out.

"Hey I know you, your friends with that girl that tried to ask me out."

"I wouldn't exactly call her my 'friend',"
I state trying to ignore his to die for accent.

He looks around like he is thinking of something to say.

"I'm Luke Hemmings," he says holding out his hand.

"I know," I respond quietly.

"Oh, well what's your name?"

Why should I tell him. He's a jock. A bad boy. He would forget about me the second this class ends and already be talking to any other slut.

"Doesn't matter." I respond emotion less as I turn back around.

I feel poking on my back for the rest of class but I just ignore it.


English class finally ends. And just to my luck Luke follows me out the door of Mr.Tomms classroom.

"What do you want now.?" I ask throwing my hands up in the air.

"I want your name," he responds with a wink.

"If you are trying to flirt with me it's not working."

"Who says I am flirting?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"my names Delilah."

"Like the song?" Luke asks smiling.

"Like the song."

And that is how it all started.


First chapter! I know it's starting off slow it will get better I promise give me your feedback!


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