-Chapter 11-

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Luke's P.O.V

I practically crash my car trying to get to Delilah's in time. She sounded drunk or confused. Either way I got to get there.

"Luke are you trying to get us pulled over?!" Ashton; my friend and fellow musician says grabbing the seat tightly.

"Who knows what the hell she did! I have to get there," I respond flying down her road.

The rain and thunder gets worst. As soon as I catch sight of her house I stop the car abruptly causing Ashton to fly out of his seat.

The front door is open and the phone lays on the table. There's blood on the floor and an empty pill bottle.

"NOO!" I scream following the blood outside.

There she lays. In the pouring rain on the bed of grass. Brown hair lays against her face her eyes are fluttered closed.

Ashton comes running out hearing my screams. But she's the only thing I see right now. She's the only thing in my eyes. I feel like I have been hit in the chest with a million bricks. She has to be okay. She has to.

"Why!?" I yell grabbing her cold motionless body.

Ashton remains quiet, his lips are parted in shock.

"We have to get her to the hospital!" I yell picking up her body desperately.

The rain continues on as I hold her lifeless body close to my chest. She's okay. I keep repeating in my head.

I place her in the back seat with Ashton and hit on the gas pedal.

"Is she breathing!?" I ask him trying to drive through the thunder and lightning.

"Faintly," he responds his voice low.

"God dammit!!" I shout seeing a traffic jam ahead.

There's no way I can go anywhere now.

"Fuck," I mutter punching the steering wheel.

"She's gonna die!"

My head hits the steering wheel in defeat.

The rain continues on drowning out my pain in my chest.

"She's gonna die."


Cliff hanger.

Ik you all probably hate me right now.

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Delilah{Luke Hemmings}Where stories live. Discover now