-Chapter 10-

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Luke's P.O.V

I had not seen Delilah all weekend. After singing to her that night she made a promise to me. She made a promise that she would not cut she would give me a call the second she had a thought about it. Then she fell asleep on my lap as I played 'Fix You' on my guitar.

I noticed something about her. She's perfect. Still perfect no matter how many scars she has up her arm.

Delilah's P.O.V

I'm not perfect. I'm not. My curves make me look fat, the freckles scattered across my cheeks make me look younger than I actually am, my brown eyes, my always tangled hair, I can't stand to look in the mirror. Maybe Lauren was right. My parents left me because of what a screw up I am.

I may have promised Luke not to cut. But I never promised him anything else. I walk over to the medicine cabinet while my aunt is out of town for work. I grab an old prescription off the back of the shelf.

I take it up to my room and sit on the floor. Goose bumps form on my bare legs. How is one person so blinded by all the bad things. I can't escape this depression.

1 pill down.

I'll never be normal. I'll never live a normal life.

2 pills down.

Where is Luke when I need him?

3 pills.

I'll always be alone. I'll always be misunderstood. No one gets my pain!

4 pills down.

I stumble down the wooden stairs.

5 pills.

The phone is calling him.

6 pills.



"Delilah! What's wrong!?"

Instead of answering I follow the blaring light of the storm outside. Maybe I am dying. Maybe that's the light of my death? I don't think so.

My dizziness has me on the edge.

"Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye my love. I can't hide I can't hide I can't hide what has come."

The words dance in my scattered messed up brain.

"I have to go, I have to go, I have to go, and leave you alone."

Or maybe I'm the one singing.

"Lullaby, help me sleep tonight."

All I remember is the feeling of someone's presence. The feeling of the cold rain falling down. Before the blurriness took over.


Well this is not a happy chapter..

In the next chapter you are going to meet a new character😉

Delilah{Luke Hemmings}Where stories live. Discover now