-Chapter 12-

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Luke's POV

The funeral may have been the death of Delilah.

But it was also the death of me.

Her death was labeled as suicide.

She's gone now.

Gone to heaven.

Thats what she wanted.


(((((Idek what that^^^ is..)))))

<<<fancy arrow maybe.?>>>




***Actual Chapter 12****

Luke's P.O.V

I thought at that point Delilah was dead. I thought she was already gone.
But then something happened.

I heard a small cough and then more.

"Luke!" Ashton yells, "she's coughing up blood!"

"She's just getting the pills out of her system, we will be at the hospital soon."

"Hospital!?" She mutters out holding her head.

"Yes the hospital you swallowed a handful of pills where do you think I am gonna take you!?" I say honking at the people in front of me.

"Luke!" Ashton mutters at my rude behavior.

"Your not taking me there! I'm fine okay. Just take me home," Delilah says I look at her like she's crazy.

"You must be insane to think I'm taking you home after that stunt!!"

"Let me out of the damn car now Luke I'm not going there!"

"NO," I state finally getting out of the traffic jam.

"If you don't take me home now I'm going to fucking walk there."

"Really!? You wanna tell me that when you were just at the verge of death!? What did you do that for huh!?!? Attention, fun? Well it's not fucking funny!!"

"FUCK YOU LUKE. Of course you don't understand, why would you.??!" She huffs stepping out into the pouring rain.

"Don't talk to me again okay."

Those were the last words before she stormed out in the pouring rain.

Delilah{Luke Hemmings}Where stories live. Discover now