-Chapter 4-

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Luke rushes over to my side.

"Are you okay!?"

"Don't ask me that Luke," I respond calmly.

He begins to wrap up my wounds with the material of my dress to stop the bleeding.

"Why not?" He asks quietly stopping to look at me.

"Because I'm not okay. I never am Luke and I always go around acting like I am! But I'm not."

"I want to make you okay again. I want to do that."

I chuckle tiredly, "your drunk."

"Ya so I am but you ask me that again tomorrow when I'm sober, I guarantee you I will give you the same answer."

I look into his eyes and see nothing but truth. Compassion. I trusted him that time.

"I don't know why I'm trusting you."

"Delilah, it's because deep inside you know that I would never hurt you. You want to trust me," he chuckles almost falling over.

"Yeah, your so drunk. Luke you aren't making sense," I respond chuckling slightly.

"Haha I know," Luke answers his words slurring.

We remain silent for a while.

"Let's get you home," Luke finally says.

"Sometimes I don't even want to go home. It's not home anymore," I say sighing as Luke picks me up off the ground.

"What is home to you.?"

"A family, a kind loving family that you can go home to, a family that always is smiling, that love their children with their life's," I say as he sets me into the car.

"Do you have that?" Luke asks kneeling down beside me.

I look at home for awhile and begin to shake my head.

"No," I say quietly.

"No I don't."

Luke looks at me with the blue eyes of his.

"Stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

"You do this thing, it seems like your trying to see inside my mind or my soul or something it creeps me out."

Luke raising an eyebrow at me.

"I'm trying to figure you out," he responds.

"Well might as well stop now your never gonna figure me out," I answer crossing my arms.

"Your such a child love," Luke says chuckling.

"I think that secretly you are trying to figure out yourself."

Yeah that was it. That's what I've been trying to do for the past 4 years. I'm still looking for the reason I'm living..but so far I've been living for nothing.

"Yeah something like that," I respond tiredly.

"Go to sleep love," Luke says closing the door.

I fell asleep before I even had the chance to yell at Luke for calling me love. Or even think that I just got in a car with a drunk driver.


I wake up from my nightmare in a unfamiliar house.


Luke runs into the room and kneels by my bedside, "Delilah it's okay! It's okay," He tells me hugging me to his chest and rubbing his thumb across my head.

"I had- I-"

"Shh, it's okay love, your okay," he continues to hug me to his chest.

"When I had bad dreams at my house-" I start off wiping tears and taking deep breaths.

"My Aunt Nicole would just tell at me to stop screaming and tell me to go back to bed. So I would stay up all night crying because I was to scared to go back to bed."

Luke looks at me like he's about to cry, so I change the subject.

"What time is it?"



"What's wrong!?" Luke asks as I jump up from the bed but not before falling on the ground from the cuts on my legs that were now freshly cut open again.

"My aunts gonna be pissed Luke."

"I don't care," he responds smiling and rubbing his temple.

I chuckle, "how's the hang over?"

"Oh just brilliant you know?" He says sarcastically.

I laugh.

"Is that laughing I hear? Delilah the 'emotionless' is laughing?"

"Oh shut up," I respond as he helps me up off the ground.



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Kinda a long chapter.

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