Aidggles-Halloween Candy

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It was past 12 on Halloween night-the time for candy trading and changing out of your costumes. The time when you bug your best friend for ten minutes because you want their Skittles.

"Huggles, come on!!" Aiden's voice came out half audible through his skeleton mask.

"No!" She clutched her heart-covered pillowcase to her chest, leaning her back against the couch her older brother was laying on. Ted patted her head and went back to looking at his phone.

"Why not!?"

"Because, Aiden, everyone knows how you get when you have Skittles."

Aiden couldn't resist them. They were like a sugary crack or something to him. He always went crazy when he ate Skittles. Kate made Chris go trick-or-treating with Aiden every year (not that Chris minded) so that he could count how many packs of Skittles Aiden was getting, and then he would take all of them away.

"Huggles, please, Chris already took mine away!"


"I'll trade you anything, I'll even give you the full bar I got!" He held up a full Twix bar.


"Come on, I'll trade anything. I'm serious."

"Hmm..." She thought, tapping her pointer finger on her chin. "Anything?"

"Anything that isn't too extreme."

"Hmm..." Alright, so the thing was..Huggles had had a crush on Aiden for months. And she hadn't done anything about it. Yet. But now that she had this offer, and she could ask for anything..

Aiden broke her from her thoughts. "Hello, Earth to Alex! Come on!"


"Sorry, Huggles, I mean. Do you know what you want yet??"


"Oh, good! Tell me!"

"I want a kiss."

Ted's eyes widened. Did she just..?

Aiden nodded, reaching into his bag. "Well, I don't have any kisses, but you can have all my Hershey's mini bars."

"No. Not that kind of kiss."

"Wait, what?"

Ted sat up, resting on his elbows. She did.

"You said you'd do anything. Pucker up."

Ted was about to slap both of them. He was mad. Aiden was not about to kiss his little sister. He didn't want anyone kissing her, especially not him.

But..Alex had liked Aiden for a long time, Ted knew that. He hated it, but it was true. And if this was her one chance to get even a little close to having something with him..then he had to let her take that chance. She deserved it.

He sighed and lie back down on the couch. From anyone watching him, he basically sat up and stared at the wall for a full minute, then lie back down and stared at the ceiling. So..that was something.

Aiden noticed, but he didn't say anything. He was too focused on getting those Skittles.

"So..all I have to do is kiss you?"

He was making it sound easy. Was that a good thing?? She didn't think so.


Aiden stared at her for a few seconds.

She could feel herself tensing up.

He flipped up his skeleton mask so it was like a hat, his face actually visible now. His hair was a little messy, but that made him even more adorable in Huggles' opinion. She noticed his cheeks were red, and she couldn't tell if that was because his mask was making him hot or if he was blushing.

She really hoped he was blushing.

Aiden gulped and leaned in.

Oh my gosh, it's happening. It's happening.

He gave her a peck on the lips and quickly pulled away from her.

She wished it wasn't over that fast.

He stared down at his lap, arms crossed and cheeks redder than before.

She sat frozen in place, heart beating like it she had ate all of the candy in her pillowcase in under a minute.

"Can I have my skittles now?"

"O-oh..uh..sure." She reached into her pillowcase and held out a small pack to him. A hand reached out and plucked it out of her hands, but that hand wasn't Aiden's.

"Nope. Your brother told me to keep these away from you while he's gone." Ted grinned mischievously at him.

"Are you kidding me!?"


Aiden pretended to sulk. He had to admit..he had wanted to kiss her for a while now. If Ted had told him he wouldn't have let him had the skittles in the first place, Aiden still would have kissed her.

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