Aiden and Ted-Hell No

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(This is another chapter with Addie, because I love her lol. Here's some pics so you guys know what she looks like.

 Here's some pics so you guys know what she looks like

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These are my own edits, btw.

These are my own edits, btw

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Anyway, enjoy. :) )

Addie and Ted were sitting in the living room. Of course, they were arguing.

"You're like if the most annoying person in the world had a baby with the second most annoying person in the world!"

Ted glared at the bunny-eared girl. "Are you insulting my parents?"

"No, dummy, I'm insulting you!"

"That's not how you insult someone, this is how you insult someone." He cleared his throat. "You're like if Louise Belcher hit rock bottom, tried to get back on her feet, and failed."

"That's not even an insult because I actually like Louise Belcher."

"Even if she hit rock bottom?"

"She'd never hit rock bottom."


Chris walked in from the kitchen before they could say anything else to each other. "Guys, can you stop arguing for one day?"

"No." Addie glared at her brother.

He gave her a banana juice box. "Shh." He put a finger to his lips as he gave Ted a bottle of watermelon juice. "Everyone shush."

They sipped their juices and were quiet for a couple of minutes.

"Hey Ted?" Asked Addie.


"Why are you so terrible?"

"God damn it Addie, shut up. Let me enjoy my juice."


"Follow the instructions in your name and go Ad-die."

Chris gasped. "Ted!"

Addie covered Chris' mouth. "If I died, I wouldn't have to see you anymore! So it wouldn't be a bad thing!"

"Ugh, just stop talking!"


"You're the worst!"

"I hate you so much I can feel it in my heart when I look at you!"

Ted smirked. "Aw, are you sure you don't just have a crush on me?"

The color drained from Addie's face as her mouth dropped open. She could feel her heart pounding. She was completely thrown off-she needed to fire back an insult, and fast.

"I would're..I..ugh!" She got up and stormed off to her room. She could hear Ted cackling and Chris giggling in the living room.

She slammed her door and got in bed. She stared up at the ceiling as she lied on her back.

Do I really like Ted?, that can't be. Come on, Addie, keep it together..I don't have a crush on Ted. I don't have a crush on Ted. I don't have a crush on Ted. I don't have a crush on Ted.

But the more she thought about it, the more she knew it was true.

Fuck. I have a crush on Ted.

The next day

Addie walked into the kitchen and grabbed a pop tart from the cabinet. She took a bite from it as she walked into the living room. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Ted sleeping on the couch. Chris was on the floor, and he was sleeping too.

Addie stepped over Chris and crept over to the couch. She sat next to Ted and leaned on his shoulder. She munched on her pop tart and looked down at Ted's hand, which was in his lap. So easy to reach..and hold..

She reached out and was about to take his hand. Wait, no no no. She pulled her hand back. But wait..when else am I gonna get a chance to hold his hand?

She reached down again and took his hand. It was smooth and soft..he must moisturize. She rubbed his hand with her thumb. So soft..

Ted opened his eyes and looks down at Addie. "Ha," he smirked. "I knew you had a crush on me."

Addie blushed and yanked her hand away from Ted's. "I-I..I didn't, I wasn't-" she scooted away from him, but he scooted closer to her.

"Shh." He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Her blush spread from her cheeks to her entire face. I can't let him know that I liked that.

" freak! Oh my god, what the hell!?" She glared at him, but he just looked at her with a knowing smirk.

"Alright, yeah, I get it. I'm terrible but at the same time I'm super dreamy, blah blah blah."

"I-I never said you were dreamy!!"

Although, she had to admit, the adjective fit him pretty well. Damnit.

"Yeah, but I know you're thinking it."

"Oh, shut up.."

He pinched her cheek. "Don't worry, I think you're cute too."

She blushed even more and swatted his hand away. "Shut up!"

"Alright, alright.."

Chris rolled over and pointed at them. "I knew you liked each other.."

Ted rolled his eyes. "Chris, I don't-"

"Save it, he's sleep talking." Addie rolled her eyes.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, he does it all the time."

Chris rolled back over and snored.



"But, hey, he-"

"Telling the truth? No, I don't like you. But, I do think you're cute. In like..a little sister kind of way."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, you're the one who kissed my cheek."

"I was being nice."


(I have no idea how to end this, so there's that. Also, there's been talk of Louise Belcher in this chapter, so I wanna ask you guys: Would you guys want to see a Louise and Aiden chapter? I love the two together and I'd love to write a chapter with them in it. Also if I did write a chapter with them, they'd probably fuse 😂. Let me know in the comments. :) )

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