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Chris and Ted walked through the mall, holding hands. They were looking at all the stores and trying to figure out which one to go into.

"Why can't we just go to Hot Topic?" Ted asked Chris.

"Because," he explained, "You'll finish all your shopping in five minutes, and then you'll mope around the rest of the mall while I try to shop."

"Ugh..I hate how accurate that is."


"So what stores do you want to go to?"

"The preppiest and most pastel stores we can find."

"That's it, I'm leaving. I'm just gonna camp out in Hot Topic until you're done."

"You won't, not without this." Chris held up Ted's wallet between his index and middle finger.

"What the-?" Ted tapped his pockets, and, yep, his wallet was gone. "How did you even..?"

"No time to explain, I'm gonna go spend all your money on cat plushies and candy, byyyeeee!!!" Chris ran off and through the mall. Luckily, they were on the bottom floor, which was pretty empty.

"CHRIS!" Ted ran after him. Chris was laughing harder than when he told a terrible pun.

"You gotta catch meeee!!" He ran up the escalator, weaving between the few people on it.

Ted ran after him. He had no idea how Chris wasn't getting winded or anything-he was going super fast.

Ted panted as his running slowed to a speed walk. He saw Chris dive into the candy store. He reached the store and leaned against one of the huge glass doors, still panting.

Chris was buzzing around and looking at all the candy. He was picking up various items and giggling to himself.

Ted finally caught his breath and marched over to Chris. He held out his hand, and Chris stared down at it.

"Well?" Ted demanded.

"Oh, of course. Here, for you." Chris put a watermelon airhead into his outstretched palm.

Ted glared at him but held onto the airhead. "No, Chris. My wallet, give me my wallet."

"Oh, that, no."

Ted was gonna lose it. "Why?"

"Because I can't reach into my pockets and get it with all this candy I'm holding."

"Oh my god, you're the worst, which pocket is it in?"

"My back pocket." He turned and jutted out his hip. "Go ahead and get it."

"Okay, Chris, answer this honestly. Did you take my wallet for the sole purpose of me touching your butt?"

"Maybe..it's..part of it.."

Ted sighed. He tried to be mad, but he couldn't. He laughed and pulled his wallet out of Chris' pocket.

Chris turned back around and smiled. "Ha, I got you to touch my butt."

Ted put his wallet back into his pocket. "Yep, and I'll do it again if I have to..or if I feel like it."

Chris blushed. "Ha..so..will you buy me this candy??" He looked down at the 50 sugary items he held in his arms.

"Oh, yeah, no. Buy them yourself."

Chris stared up at him with big, begging eyes. Ted called them his kitty cat eyes..he almost never was able to resist them.

Ted squeezed his eyes shut. "No Chris, I'm not buying all that for you."

Chris sighed and made his eyes go back to normal. He put nearly all of it back, keeping only two things that Ted couldn't quite see.

Ted bought the watermelon airhead Chris had given him. After Chris bought what he had, they left the store and sat on a bench by the escalator. Ted chewed on his airhead as Chris stared down at his lap, looking kinda nervous.

"Chris, babe, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just..I have something important to ask you."

"Go ahead.." he stared down at him, waiting for the question.

"Will..will you..will you ring pop marry me?" Chris held up a watermelon ring pop, staring into Ted's eyes.

Ted couldn't help it, he laughed.

"Hey, I'm trying to be sweet here!"

"Okay, okay I'm sorry, yes, I'll ring pop marry you."

Chris opened the ring pop and slid it into Ted's left ring finger. Ted stared down at the gem-shaped candy and smiled.

"I have one for myself, too." Chris held up a second ring pop, this one cherry flavored. He put it on and licked it.

Ted smiled. "You dork."

"I think you mean..um.."

"Go ahead, I'll wait."

"I think you mean..cutie or something."

"Nah, you're a dork."

"But I'm still cute, right?" Chris looked up at him hopefully.

"Of course, kitten."

Chris grinned and gave Ted a kiss on the cheek.

"Ah, you're getting me all sticky!"

"Good!" He gave him another kiss.

"Ahh!" Ted jumped off the bench.

"Hey!" He pulled him back down to the bench and gave him a third kiss on the same cheek.

"Hey, if you're gonna kiss me, at least kiss me on the lips so I can taste your ring pop."

"Fine." He gave him a peck on the lips.

Ted smiled. "Perfect."

"You know what else is perfect?"

"Hm?" He waited for Chris to say his name.

"Me. And Foofy, too."

Ted sighed. "Damnit."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They smiled at each other and sucked on their ring pops.

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