Chris and Nick-Truth or Dare

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(This one's for @Minji-Five (I hope that tagged them correctly, lol))

Chris' friend group (and Betty) sat in Chris' living room, some of them on the floor, the rest on the couch.

It had been a while since Betty and Chris had stopped their fighting and made "peace". Chris was the one to surrender, which was annoying because it made Betty think she won. But the only reason he surrendered was because of Nick. Poor Chris had got a crush on the guy, and he didn't want Nick to hate him.

Currently, Chris was sitting next to Nick, and he was trying his best to play it cool.

It wasn't working.

Aiden, although he hated to admit it, knew his brother like the back of his hand, and even though Chris hadn't told him, he highly suspected that Chris had a crush on Nick.

And that wasn't because of everything that had happened over the past few weeks, this was solely because of how nervous Chris looked at this moment. He didn't get like that around anyone else-only Nick. Hmm.. Aiden smirked as a thought came to mind.

"Hey, you guys, we should play truth or dare." He saw Chris tense up. A-ha!

"Uh.." Chris started a sentence, but didn't get to finish it.

"Sure, I'll play." Betty smiled and looked at the rest of the group. "Anyone else want to?"

"I'll play," Ted shrugged.

"Ooh I wanna play!" Nick beamed. "Chris, you playing??"

"Uh-yep-yes, I am." Chris grinned at his crush, hoping that it looked natural.

It didn't.

What a freak, thought Aiden.

"Me first!" Betty exclaimed. "Ted, truth or dare!?"


"Would you punch Aiden if-"


"I wasn't finished."

Ted shrugged. "Don't care, I'll even punch him right now, he's annoying."

Aiden glared at Ted. "Jerk."

Ted rolled his eyes. "Aiden, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" He squinted at Ted, ready to accept his challenge.

"I dare you to go by 'Bunny Boy' for the rest of the game."

"I-wha-you ass." He glared at him.

Ted laughed. "Okay, Bunny Boy, your turn."

Aiden rolled his eyes, but lightened up when he realized that this was what he had been waiting for. He grinned mischievously at his brother.

"Chris," he started innocently, "Truth or Dare?"

"Uhhhh.." Chris knew that Aiden had something planned. He also knew that no matter what he picked, he would he screwed.

"Hang on, I gotta go to the bathroom." Nick stood up and left.

Damnit! Aiden silently cursed.

Phew! Close one! Chris sent a silent thank-you to the skeletons.

"Anyway, Chris, pick," Ted commented as he looked at his nails, Betty looking at his other hand.

"Oh, um, truth."

"Okay, now, you're only allowed to answer this when Nick comes back, okay?"

Shit. "Fine.."

Aiden smiled. "Good." His evil grin came back. "Do you have a crush on Nick?"

Chris blushed. Shit!! He knows!!

Betty and Ted perked up, looking at Chris with wide eyes.

Nick walked back in. "Okay, what'd I miss?"

"Yes," said Chris softly, staring at his lap.

"Um..yes what?" Nick looked at him with a confused expression.

"Oh, nothing," said Aiden, "he just admitted to having a crush on you." He smiled sweetly at Nick.

Nick's entire face went red. Chris looked up at him, nervously awaiting his response.

All Nick did was turn around and walk down the hallway. Chris looked down, feeling really embarrassed.

"Damn, Bunny Boy, that was cold." Betty tsked and went back to inspecting Ted's nails.

Chris' phone vibrated. He took it out and looked at a new message.

✴️come here

😸where are you?

✴️your room
✴️I hope that doesn't sound creepy, I didn't know where else to go


Chris put his phone in his pocket and stood up, going straight to his room and not answering the group's questions of "What's on your phone?" "Who was that?" "Is it Nick?" "What'd he say?" "Where are you going?" "Are you okay?".

When Chris walked in, Nick sat on Chris' bed, putting his own phone in his pocket. Chris suddenly became self-conscious of the mess, the cat treat boxes, the random clothes on the floor, etc. He sent another silent thank-you to the skeletons that there weren't any pairs of underwear on the floor.

"Are you okay?" Chris sat next to Nick. "You kinda just..left."

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just didn't want our first kiss to be in front of everybody like that."

"Our what now?"

"Chris, can I kiss you?"

"Please do."

Nick placed his hand on Chris' cheek and pulled his face close to his, bending slightly so they were level. He kissed him, it wasn't very long but both boys thought it was perfect. When they pulled away, they were both blushing like mad.



"Will my boyfriend?"


Nick couldn't help but grin, which made Chris grin. His boyfriend just looked so cute! Chris couldn't help it, he threw his arms around Nick and kissed him again.

(I hope you liked that! Thanks for being my first request (: )

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