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(Buckle up, this is a long chapter >:3)

Ted, Chris, Aiden, and Huggles were going on a camping trip. Chris and Huggles were ecstatic, Ted was pretty excited, but Aiden..not so much.

"I hate camping. I don't wanna go. I hate this. Why did mom make me come, I-"

"Aiden can you stop complaining already!? We haven't even gotten in the car!" Ted snapped at him, having heard his bickering the whole time they were putting things into his car.

"I don't get why we can't just take my car." Aiden crossed his arms.

"Because," Ted explained, "You won't let anyone else drive it, and if the cops see a five-year-old driving, we'll all get in trouble."

Chris snickered, and Huggles couldn't help but giggle.

"I'm not five." Aiden glared at all of them

Huggles giggled again. "Oh, of course not honey, now come on, get in the car and I'll strap you into your car seat."

"Oooh roasted!" Chris screamed.

He lifted his hood so it was covering his face more. It was humiliating, being insulted by his crush like that. He got in the car without another word, sitting in the back seat. Normally he would've sat in the front, but Ted was driving, and he didn't want to be near him.

Huggles got in the back with him. "Aw, Aiden, come on, I'm sorry."

He turned away and stared out the window. "Don't talk to me."

Ted and Chris got in the car, and off they went. The music they were playing was terrible, in Aiden's opinion. He would've listens to his own music, but he didn't want to drain the whole battery on the way there. He decided he should sleep instead, and he dozed off.

Huggles POV
(Wow, not 3rd person pov for once! :D )

Chris turned around in the car a few minutes later. "Aw, look, the baby's sleeping."

Ted chuckled. "Make sure you don't wake him up, otherwise we'll have to hear him cry the whole way to the camp site."

I forced a giggle as Ted and Chris laughed their heads off in the front seat.

Honestly, I hated it when they made fun of him like that. I only joined in because I didn't want Ted to be mad at me. I hated fighting with him. Well..that and the fact I don't want Aiden to suspect that I liked him.

Which I totally didn't, nope, not at all.

Okay, maybe a little.

Or a lot.

But whatever, it's not important. None of it. Not at all. Well..maybe except for when he glares at her when she makes fun of him..and when he didn't talk to her because he was mad..and when he got mad at her, period.

Okay maybe it was important to her. But, family is more important.


Aiden POV

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. How long have I been asleep? I thought. I checked my phone. Two hours. Nice. I looked over and saw that Huggles was asleep too.

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