Chris and Betty-Truth or Dare?

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Ted, Nick, Betty, and Chris sat around Ted's living room, laughing and talking about random teenager stuff.

Chris wasn't a part of the conversation, though. He stared at his phone, pretending to be super interested in the pictures of cats he was looking at. But really, he was looking at Betty out of the corner of his eye. They were on the couch together, and she was looking super pretty. But what else was new? Chris started to blush and he put his attention back onto the cat pictures.

Stop it, Chris. You do not have a crush on her. Nope. No no no. No way. Focus on the cats. But he still felt the blush on his cheeks, and he could tell it was getting worse.

"Dude, Chris, are you okay?" Nick raised an eyebrow, looking at him suspiciously.

"He's probably looking at cat nsfw." Betty snickered.

Another reason why you can't have a crush on her. She's mean to you, and she doesn't like you, not even as a friend. Just stop it Chris.

"Betty, ew." Nick grabbed a pillow from the couch and threw it at her face. She laughed and threw it back at him, and he held onto it.

"Really though," Betty asked, "What are you looking at?"


"Close enough!" Betty laughed again. "Oh man, those cats, so hot, Chris, hey, Chris, look at me!"

Chris glared at the floor. He didn't want to listen to this. Thankfully, Ted saved him.

"Hey, how about we play a game??" Ted asked quickly. "Like truth or dare or something??"

Nick smiled. "I'm down."

Betty shrugged. "Sounds good." She got off the couch and joined Ted and Nick on the floor.

Chris nodded and did the same as Betty. "Sure, who goes first?"

"I will," Ted said. He looked around the circle, tapping his chin. "Betty, truth or dare?"

She grinned. "Dare."

"I dare you the splits."

She smirked and stood up. "Easy." She did a perfect split down the middle, her back facing Chris.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, HER BUTT. Chris pretended to roll his eyes and looked away, feeling another blush on his cheeks.

She went out of her splits and scooted back to where she was sitting before. "Nick, truth or dare?"


"Do you love me?"

Wait, what?

Nick rolled his eyes. "Do you really have to do this every truth or dare game?"


Oh. That kind of love..phew. I mean, not that I care!!

"So do you?"

Nick sighed. "Yeah, I love you, Chris, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to cuddle with me."

Chris giggled and crawled over to Nick. He cuddled into him and Nick wrapped his jacket around him.

"Mwahaha! I've taken another! You never stood a chance!!"

Chris laughed as Nick zipped up his jacket. Chris could've sworn he saw Betty glare at Nick, but Nick zipped his jacket past Chris' eyes before he could really be sure.

"Niiiiick," Ted whined, "You could've asked me to cuddle you!"

"Or me!" Betty crossed her arms and pouted, pretending to be upset about Nick instead of Chris.

"Too bad." Nick smirked and shrugged as Chris peeked out over the top of the jacket.

Oh no, he looks so cute..ah!! Focus, Betty!! "Fine then, I'll just cuddle with..Ted!" She flung her arms around him and scooted closer to him.

Ted yanked her arms off of him. "Miss me with that straight shit!!"

They all laughed hysterically, except for Betty. She started pouting again, crossing her arms and glaring at the floor.

Nick unzipped his jacket and Chris crawled away. Before he could zip his jacket again, Ted dove onto Nick and cuddled into him. Nick chuckled and zipped up his jacket.

"Nick, truth or dare?" Chris asked.


"I dare you to tickle Ted!"

"No no-AHAHAHA!" Ted squirmed as Nick tickled his tummy and his armpits. "NICK STOP!"

"No, I was dared!" He kept tickling. "No mercy!!"

He managed to stop laughing for a second. "Chris, tell him to stop!"

"Okay, okay, fine, Nick, stop."

Nick stopped. "Fine Ted, but I'm keeping you in my jacket."

Ted smiled. "Okay."

"Anyway, Betty, truth or dare?" Nick looked at Betty from across the circle.


"I dare you to touch your toes."

"You know that's easy for me, come on man." She stood up and bent over, touching her toes. "Why are all my dares ones that test my flexibility??" She sat back down. "Chris, truth or dare?"


"Do you like anyone?"

Chris felt winded. Oh my god..the dreaded question. No no no no no no-

Chris stared at Betty with fear in his eyes. His heart, his brain, and his stomach were freaking out.

"Well?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

Don't tell her, don't tell her, don't tell-

"Yes I do and it's you and I like you a lot but I didn't want you to know because I thought you didn't like me, like not even as a friend and I just.." He took a deep breath. "I like you, Betty."

Betty stared at him with wide eyes of shock. She blinked once as Ted and Nick gaped at Chris.

"Holy shit," whispered Ted.

Betty sprang forward and pushed Chris onto the floor. She kissed him, hard.

Nick nearly screamed. Ted couldn't look away.

Betty got off of him after a minute, letting him breathe. Chris sat up and they both panted.

"Yeah, so um, quick question," Nick said innocently. "What. The fuck?"

Chris was still panting. "I don't know."

Betty looked at Chris, and he stared back at her.

"Anyway..I like you too, Chris."

They smiled.

"Obviously," Ted muttered.

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