Nikki and Tess-Pretty

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(Here's what they look like as girls

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(Here's what they look like as girls. I just made this edit today, and Tess' ponytail took two tries. 😑 Still, I'm happy with how it..came out.
Sorry, gay joke. Anyway, enjoy the chapter! It was requested by EllieSM116 !)

Ted's sat on her bed and stared down at her phone. Her best friend, Nikki, was looking at herself in Tess' full length mirror. Tess kept sneaking glances as Nikki.

Nikki kept turning around and looking at herself, as if she was searching for something in particular. Apparently, she didn't find it. Tess was looking at Nikki when she asked her a question.

"Tess, do you think I'm pretty?"


Nikki turned and faced Tess. "Do you think I'm pretty?"

"What's this all about??"

"Nothing, just answer the question."

Tess rolled her eyes. "Yes, Nikki, you're very pretty." More like beautiful. But she could never tell Nikki that.

Nikki sighed. "You're just saying that because you're my best friend."

"No, I'm not, you really are pretty."

Nikki sat by the mirror and lifted her shirt up the show her tummy. She squished it and looked up at Tess. "What about-"

"No, I don't think you're fat either. Geez, where is all of this coming from?"

She sighed. "Well..all my friends are thinner than me, and prettier than me, and.." she didn't finish.

Tess got up and sat next to Nikki. "Yeah, your friends are pretty, but they're not prettier."

She shook her head. "But they are."

"That's a matter of opinion. Who do you think is the best looking in your friend group?"


Tess blushed. "Uh-I, might not like how you look, but maybe other people prefer brown hair over green, or-"

"Name one person who likes brown better than green."

"Okay, well, if you hate your hair color, why don't you dye it?"

Nikki took a piece of hair in her hands and looked down at it. She sighed. "I don't hate my hair color..besides, if someone liked my dyed hair better than my actual hair, they wouldn't be liking the real me..if I changed myself to look pretty, it's not me. It's a better version of me. And I don't want people thinking the better version of me is the real me."

"That..that was beautiful."


"But, come on, I like you for who you are." Tess blushed as she said it.

"You're my best friend. All my best friends 'like me for who I am'." She finger quoted her sentence.

"Don't be sarcastic, it's true."

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