Aiden and Ted-Bullies

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(This one goes out to @Disastriss )

Aiden sat in the courtyard of his school. He used to sit on the stone fences, but bullies drove him away. Now he waited for someone to pick him up here. And, to avoid his bullies, he'd leave after 20 minutes if no one came and start walking home. 20 minutes was the after school detention time, if you did part of your time at lunch. Since his bullies got detention all the time, Aiden figured 20 minutes after school was a good time to leave.

It had been 15 minutes when he saw his three bullies walking across the courtyard. Oh no..

"Well well well, look who it is," said a tall black-haired boy, whose name was Derek

"It's a wild rabbit! Never seen one like this before," said the brown-haired short one, his name was Mitch.

"I know, right?" Started the ginger, who was Joe. "Look at how ugly it is!"

Aiden looked down and tried to ignore them. They usually just insulted him and when on their way.

Mitch grinned. "Do you know what season it is, Bunny Boy?"


"Nope! It's rabbit hunting season!"

Derek cackled. "More like fag hunting season!"

Aiden looked up at the boys. "Come on guys, don't be stupid, leave me alone."

"Nope!" Joe pushed him, causing him to fall backwards. The three surrounded him and started beating him up-punching him on his face, kicking his stomach, all of it.


Ted pulled up to Aiden's school and looked out his window for him. He was only 20 minutes late, it was fine. He saw three boys beating up another kid. Holy shit. He got out of the car and walked towards them. Once he got closer he saw that it was Aiden they were beating up.

Rage took over him and he sprinted the rest of the way. He shoved two of the boys and punched another that was in the process of kicking Aiden's head.

"Stay the fuck away from him!" He screamed.

The three boys looked at Ted like he was crazy, then ran off before Ted could do anything else to them.

"Aiden, are you okay?" He got on one knee and looked down at the beaten boy. He picked up Aiden's backpack and put it on as he answered.

"Yeah, just bleeding out. Everything hurts.."

Ted picked him up, bridal style. "If I had come on time, this wouldn't have happened.."

"It probably would've happened anyway..besides, I had it under control."

"What the fuck?" He started walking to his car, still carrying Aiden. "You did not have that under control."

"I was waiting for the perfect moment.." he said defensively.

" least I saved you when I did."

Aiden rolled his eyes and used a feminine voice. "Oh Ted, you saved me, you're my hero!" He noticed that Ted blushed. "What the fu-"

"Shut up." Ted put him in the passenger's seat of the car. He put Aiden's backpack at his feet, then closed the door and got in the driver's seat. He drove away from the school. "I'm taking you home."

Aiden visibly tensed up. "No."

"Excuse me?"

"No, don't take me home, Chris and mom will worry, and then they'll call the principal and-"

"I can't hide you from them forever, but I can take you to my place for a few hours."

Aiden breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay..thanks, Ted."

"You're welcome."

"Can uh..can you tell me why you were blushing earlier?"



A few minutes later, they were at Ted's house. Aiden put his backpack by the door when he got inside, and went to the freezer for some ice. Ted went into his bathroom and got his first aid kit. He walked into the kitchen as Aiden pressed an ice pack on one of his eyes.

"Get on the counter, I'm gonna bandage you up."

Aiden raised an eyebrow and reluctantly hopped onto the counter. "Who are you and what have you done with Ted?"

"I'm Ted, and I'm just concerned about you."

"Ha, very funny."

"I am, now take off your hoodie."

Aiden took it off and blushed slightly. He looked at Ted and threw it at him.

"Hey!" He laughed as it hit him in the face. He put it on and looked down at the little ghost on the front.

"Hey, take it off!"

"No," he said simply. He took out some alcohol wipes and went to work. About ten minutes later, Aiden was all bandaged up. Ted, still in Aiden's hoodie, sat on the couch and went to the skeleton channel.

"Aiden, come watch tv with me!"

"Coming!" Aiden walked in wearing Ted's hooded vest.

"Hey, what the hell?"

"I could ask you the same question."

"Give it back," he reached out to grab Aiden, but he dodged his hand.

"Can't catch me!" He ran to the couch and jumped on it.

"Get down!"

"Okay!" He jumped forward and landed on Ted, both of them falling over. Aiden was now on top of Ted, and they stared at each other with a slight blush on their faces.

Aiden leaned down and gave Ted a peck on the lips. Ted blushed as red as the watermelons he was always eating.

"What was that for?"

"It's a thanks, for saving me," he switched to his feminine voice, "my hero!"

They burst into a fit of laughter. Aiden rolled off of Ted and they both went to the couch. They cuddled and watched the skeleton channel. Aiden gave Ted another kiss on the cheek, making him blush again.

"It's crazy how you can get so red so fast."

"Shut up.." Ted gave Aiden a kiss on the nose. Aiden blushed even more then he did. "See, you get red too."


(I hope you liked that :) make sure to leave more requests, everyone!)

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