Chapter Two

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*Luke's POV*

When we got to the Psychology room, Michael introduced me to Miss. Kappes, who was sitting at her desk. "Some things you should know about  this class, we'll be doing projects frequently throughout the year, but today we are just going to be watching videos and discussing. We're on Unit 3 right now, I'll get you caught up later." She said, smiling. I nodded and smiled back, then went with Michael to find seats. Miss. Kappes played a video on how the brain works, then the class discussed different properties, and things like that. I've never taken psychology before, so this was interesting.

Michael and I ended up having pe and Geometry together, so by the time lunch rolled around, we had already gotten to know each other really well. We walked into the cafeteria laughing about a story Michael was telling me. We got into the lunch line behind Calum and Ashton. They greeted us, and Calum asked how my day was going. "Really good so far, Michael is in like all of my classes" I replied.

When we sat down at a table with our trays, two girls walked over to us. "Hey babe" Michael said to one of the girls, who had light pink hair. He kissed her cheek and I looked down at my tray. But when Michael said my name, I quickly looked back up. "Luke this is Anika, my girlfriend. Annie, this is Luke, he's new" he said, picking up his slice of pizza. I waved at her shyly. Then the girl next to Anika spoke up. "Hi Luke, I'm Marlee" she said, smiling. I waved shyly at her too, then began eating. Ashton began talking about how he finally learned how to play some song on the drums. But I wasn't really paying attention, because Marlee was staring at me from across the table, and I was feeling kind of uncomfortable. Until the subject turned to me, and everyone wanted to know about my life.

By the time lunch ended, I had finished telling the story of how I first started playing guitar. For some reason, everyone was really interested in my life. I'm not an interesting person by any means. I had gotten the feeling that Marlee liked me, because she continued to stare at me, and she kept asking me questions about my life.

"So what's in like in Australia?' Marlee asked as we walked to our last class of the day, English. "Hot. It's Hot. Like all the time. " I said, not really interested. "It's not all that different from here, we do all the same things" I glanced over at Michael and Anika. He had an arm wrapped around her, and she was basically glued to his side. I didn't like her, but I didn't know why.

When we arrived at the English room, everyone went inside, but Marlee grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side. " you maybe want to do out sometime?" She asked flirtatiously. I blinked. "We just met" I said. She started to speak again, "Yeah bu-" just as the bell rang. "Oh look at that, gotta go" I said, hurrying into the classroom. She followed slowly behind me. I walked up to Ms. Kinsley's desk, and she welcomed me. She then handed me a book titled The Great Gatsby and said they had started it last class. "We're on page 12" she said politely. I nodded and turned to look around the room. Calum, Ashton, Anika and Michael all sat in the back row, while Marlee sat in the front row with two other girls. Marlee smiled at me from her seat. Michael motioned for me to sit next to him, and I smiled to myself as I walked over and sat my things down.
In all of my stories I make everything go super fast, so I'm trying to have this story be kind of slow, and not rush into details. But next chapter things will get more interesting :) Hope you enjoyed!


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