Chapter Five

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*Luke's POV*

As I walked down the hallway to find Mikey, I was stopped by Marlee."Hey Luke.." she started. "Marlee I told you I'm not going out with you" I told her, sighing deeply. "Oh no no no, that's not what I wanted to say" she said. "Then what is it?" I asked her. She looked down, and started picking at her nails. "It's know you could have just told me you were gay" she said, looking up. My heart dropped. "What?" I asked, no emotion in my voice. "Yeah I would have understood. If I had known, I swear I wouldn't have asked you. And I'm sorry for bothering you about it. I thought you just didn't like me. But I hope we're on good terms now." she said, slightly laughing. I just nodded. Still shocked from what she had said. She gave me a smile as she walked past me down the hall.

"Hey there you are" I heard Michael say as he walked up to me. I snapped out of my daze and I greeted him. Then we made our way to Geometry.

As I walked into the Geometry room with Mikey, almost the entire class looked up at us. Some started whispering to each other, others started laughing. "What's that all about?" Michael asked me as we made our way to our seats. Sliding into my seat I replied, "Umm, I'm not sure" as normally as I could. Michael seemed to sense that I was lying, but he didn't say anything.

While we were working in the middle of class, a folded up piece of paper was thrown onto my desk from somewhere around the room. Michael was looking down at his work, writing, so I opened the paper quietly. Go to hell Gay Boy! It read. I swallowed hard, and shoved the paper into the pocket of my jacket. I came to the conclusion that Brett had told some people, and the news quickly spread around.

I stayed quiet for the rest of class, not even answering Michael, who now probably thinks I'm mad at him. When two more papers were thrown onto my desk, I stuffed them into my pocket without looking at them. Maybe if I just ignored everything, everyone would lose interest.

But this was proven incorrect, when later on during Psychology, people kept whispering to each other again. And this time, members of the football team kept whispering "Gay" or "Fag" to me. Michael and Ashton just told them to shut up, just thinking they were doing it because they're assholes. But Calum, who knew that they were actually right, was trying to look ahead. I knew that if he tried to say anything to them, something bad would happen. But the thing that really put me over the edge was when a guy named Troy asked Mrs. Kappes, "Would being gay be classified as a mental illness?"

Several people laughed, and Mrs. Kappes told everyone to quiet down, and she answered him. "Troy, if you have a question, ask me about it after class" she said, her voice strict. After a few minutes, with people still whispering and giggling, I picked up my things and walked out of the room. I went into the bathroom, tears filling my eyes. I threw my things onto the ground, and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I wiped my tears away but they were soon replaced by more. What was so wrong about being gay? Soon I had tears streaming down my face. This was like a recap of my other school. I thought I could come here for a fresh start, but I guess not.

"Luke? Luke?" I heard a voice say as they entered the bathroom. "Michael?" I say, quickly wiping my tears away.
Sorry this chapter ended kinda quickly! It will continue into the next chapter which I'm working on right now :) Pls vote and leave some comments 💜 I literally wrote all of this during my Study Skills class 😆But guys why is it that I'm only good at writing sad stories? 😂😂 I mean I like writing sad stories but it's all I'm good at (although this story won't be all sad I promise)


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