Chapter Three

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*Luke's POV*

I was now at home, scrolling through my contacts. Ashton, Calum, and Mikey had given me their numbers before school ended. I was now contemplating whether or not to text one of them. I decided to text them all, since one of them could be busy. I started with Ashton.

To: Ashton
Hey Ash, it's Luke. What are you up to?

Then I messaged Calum

To: Calum
Hey Cal, it's Luke. I'm bored hmu

And lastly, I messaged Mikey

To: Michael
Hey Mikey, it's Luke. Dude I'm bored, hmuuu

I put my phone down and went into the kitchen to get something to snack on. I grabbed some Doritos and a  mountain dew, then went back to my room. When I checked my phone, I was pleasantly surprised to see a text from Mikey.

To: Luke
Heyy Lukeyyy

Lukey... Lukey... Why did I get a lump in my throat as I read that?

To: Michael

A moment later, another text from him appeared.

To: Luke
Yes Lukey. Unless you prefer Lukey Pookey...

I quickly texted him back

To: Michael
nO, please. Lukey is fine

Another text appeared within seconds. Damn he texts fast.

To: Luke
Hahaha So wyd?

To: Michael
Being bored, save meee

Everytime I hit the send button, my stomach felt like it was in a knot. But why??

Just then another text from Michael appeared

To: Luke
I can call you if you want :p

To: Michael
Hallelujah I'm being saved

I stared at my screen until I saw a call pop up. I lunged for my phone, basically colliding with my bedpost.

L: Yes, Hi, Hello.
M: That's a very casual way to start a conversation.
L: Thank you
M: You're very welcome
L: I'm bored
M: You don't say?
L: This is no time for jokes, I'm going to die.
M: Why?
L: I'm like really bored
M: Lucas
L: Michael
M: Okay well how can I make you not bored?
L: Hmmm, tell me a story
M: A story?
L: Yes a story
M: Okay... Here's a story about Stanley. Once upon a time, there was a man named Stanley. Stanley went outside, Stanley left the room. Stanley-
L: Got fucked in the ass
M: Luke!
*Luke starts laughing hysterically*
M: Lucas! No! Stanley doesn't deserve this!
L: That was a 10/10 story
M: God Luke...He was just a guy
L: Rip Stanley

We talked on the phone for almost an hour and a half, until my mom told me to come down for dinner.

••The next morning••

I arrived at school, and found Marlee waiting for me at my locker.

M; "Hey Luke!" "Marlee.." "I just want to talk"
"About what?"
"Well you never really gave me an answer"
"Marlee I can't"
"Do you like someone else? Because if s-"
"I just can't okay?"
"I don't underst-"
"Marlee. I really can't"
"Why can't-"
"I don't like you that way" I said, moving past her to get to my locker. "We can be friends, but nothing more" I told her. I put my things in my locker and then walked away to look for the guys, not listening to another word she said.

I'm sorry if this chapter sucks, I kinda suck at writing 😛 But I'm planning really cute chapters for the future and I'm living for itttt. I do hope you guys enjoyed though :) Okay byeee


Two Lockers Away • MukeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant