Chapter Seven

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*Michael's POV*

"Mikey do you ever think about us married in the future?" Anika asked me as we drove home from school. "I don't really like to think about the future." I told her. She nodded and turned to look out the window. "But do you think we'll ever get married one day?" She asked, turning back to me slowly. "I don't know" I told her quietly.

Secretly, I've been wanting to break up with her for weeks. Nothing was wrong with the relationship, there was just....someone else. I think I like Luke, but he'll never like me back.

We pulled into her driveway, and as she unbuckled her seatbelt, she asked "Are you coming in?" I shook my head. "No, I have a lot of homework to do." I told her. She smiled and leaned over and kissed me, then got out of the car. She waved as she walked up to her house.

I lied. I didn't have homework, I just wanted to go home and text Luke. As I made my way home, I decided that I should at least tell someone how I felt about Luke. So when I got home, I called Calum.

I paced around my room as I waited for him to pick up the phone. After a few seconds, I heard a "Hello?"

M: Hey Cal
C: Hey Mikey, what's up?
M: I just wanted to ask for advice on something
C: Oh yeah okay, what do you need?
M: Well I... I don't think I like Anika anymore
C: Then break up with her dude, dont keep the relationship going if you aren't into it
M: Yeah.. I guess so i
C: Is that all you wanted?
M: Well there kinda is something else..
C: What?
M: I think...I think I like Luke
C: Really?
M; Yeah, but-
C: Talk to him about it
M: I can't
C: Michael, you never know what'll happen unless you try
M: I guess...Thanks Cal
C: No problem

As we hung up, a text from Luke appeared. "Wanna hang out?" It read.
I quickly sent a text back. "Yeah, what's your address?" I nearly tripped down the stairs as I made my way out to my car.
I'm soooo excited. Also, happy December 1st guysss


Two Lockers Away • MukeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang