Chapter One

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*Luke's POV*

"Luke... Luke wake up... It's your first day at your new school" my mom said, shaking me awake. I groaned and put my pillow over my face. "5 more minutes" I begged, my voice muffled by the pillow. My mom sighed, and took my pillow away. "Luke you have to get there early to meet Calum" my mom said. Calum was this guy who the principal asked to show me around, basically being forced to hang around me.

I got up and my mom finally left. I decided to take a shower, then I brushed my teeth, and took ten minutes to do my hair. The hard part was finding an outfit to wear. I finally decided to embrace my dark nature, and put on all black. That included black skinny jeans, black vans, and a long sleeved black shirt. (Picture of his outfit above)

After that, I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen, where my mom was making breakfast. She placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me, and sat down next to me as I started eating. "So are you nervous about starting at a new school?" She asked. "Not really, I mean I have Calum to show me around. So I'll know at least one person. But that doesn't mean we'll be friends" I replied. "Why do you always push everyone away?" She asked with a sigh. I shrugged, finishing off my bacon. "I don't need friends" I said simply. She rolled her eyes, and got up to start washing dishes. I finished my food and put my dishes in the sink. After that, I went and got my backpack from the living room, and yelled goodbye to my mother. Then I went outside to my car and drove to school. When I arrived at the school, I made my way into the building, to the office, where I would be meeting Calum.

As I entered the main office, I found Calum sitting in a chair talking to one of the office ladies. "Luke. Hey" Calum said, standing up. The lady Calum was talking to began speaking to me. "Hi there Luke! Welcome to Oakmont! Feel free to stop in here if you have any questions" she said sweetly. I nodded politely before Calum led me out of the room and down the hall. He pointed out different classrooms as we walked around the school. "That's Ms. Kinsley's room, she's the English teacher. Over there, that's Mr. Carlisle, the History teacher's room. And this is your locker. #132." I got my schedule out of my backpack which had my locker combo on the top. 7...6...22. I put in my combination and opened my locker on the first try. I began putting my things into it, when two guys came down the hall, coming our way. "Cal!" A guy with red hair called out. "Hey Mikey, Hey Ash. Meet Luke. He's new." Calum said, gesturing to me. I put my backpack into my locker then closed the door, and turned to them. "Hey, nice to meet you" I said kind of quietly. I'm kind of a loner, and I only had one friend at my last school. I'm not good with talking to new people. "Luke this is Ashton and that's Michael" Calum said, gesturing at the two boys. "What class do you have first Luke?" Michael said with a smile. I checked my schedule before replying, "Umm... Psychology with Miss. Kappes." Michael's smile grew. "Me too! You can sit by me" he said, nudging my shoulder." I smiled and nodded, as more students began coming down the hallway. Calum checked the time on his phone. "Okay...Ash and I have pe in like 5 minutes so we're gonna head there. I'll see you at lunch Luke" he said. I nodded. "Bye Mikey" Then Calum and Ashton walked away, leaving me and Michael alone. He motioned for me to walk with him, and we made our way to the Psychology room.

Hey guys! I hope this first chapter didn't completely suck, I had a lot of trouble thinking up a way for the story to start. And I've never written a fanfiction before, so please let me know your honest thoughts on the story.

Okay byeee

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