Chapter 3

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Walking into school no matter what day always sucks. Unless you're some weird kid who actually wants to get an education. Out of all the days though, Monday is the worst. You just feel half dead, and you're pretty sure your brain is gone because it took three tries to get your shoes on the right feet. Well, that's me this morning. I tried to look decent this morning, too. Jeans, white tank top, grey cardigan, and black converse shoes.

4th period I have lunch. My favorite period of the day, and besides, they actually have decently edible food here. I grab a notebook I use for doodling and a pencil. I usually sit alone, so at least while I'm eating I can enjoy getting lost in my art.

I walk out of a small room with my food. The cafeteria was about average size. Enough to sit half the school at once. I look around to find an empty seat when I see Lacy walking up my way through a few of the round tables. I look at her hands to see them positioned in a very uncommon way. Her hands rested on the sides of the tray with her fingers on top, and her thumb on the bottom. It was the position when you would want to dump something away from you. Oh, no, I am not getting lasagna poured down my white shirt.

I turn around to maybe get a quick escape, but it was blocked by someone. Valerie, I think, she is one of the best wrestlers in the school, and I mean both girls and boys. I was told to stay away from her because she gets angered really easily. Perfect, if I can get Barbie to spill on Valerie I can make my escape while Lacy is worried about her life.

I watch her hands as we approach each other. We get about 2 meters away when I can see her fingers start bending down. It was like slow motion, but only with her. As she slings the tray forward I sidestep to the left and watch the perfectly good lasagna fly through the air and land on Valerie's face and chest. Her angered face was my cue to get far away from the scene. As I hightail out of there I see Liam waving me down. He shoo's his friend to move a little more around the table, and scoots over, too. He pats the empty spot next to him, and I generously take it.

"You look like you're on a mission, but also lost at the same time? Are you good?" Liam asks.

"You didn't see Barbie over there try to dump lasagna on me?" The other three boys and two girls around Liam's table bust out laughing, while Liam looks a little more concerned.

"Oh my gosh, I did see that! Nice move by the way," One of the girls said. She had straight red hair that was pulled up in a ponytail and bright green eyes. "I'm Rachel," she says leaning over the table to shake my hand.

"Thanks, Rachel."

"Barbie?" Liam cuts in. I said that out loud didn't I...

"Uh, yeah, that's what I always thought she looked like," I reply a little nervous. First impressions are always a bit scary, no matter who you are.

"I like it lets keep it." A blond hair boy who sat to my right said. A couple of 'yeahs' went around. So maybe my impression wasn't too bad. It would've been a lot worse if Lacy had succeeded at throwing her lunch all over me.

"What happened Rebecca?" Liam says confusion written over his face.

"Oh, yeah, I'm Rebecca by the way," I introduce. They reply with some smiles and nods. Okay, normally you would say your name back, but I guess it's gonna go a little differently.

"Lacy walked up to her and tried to throw her food all over Rebecca, but she dodged it and Lacy ended up throwing the food all over Valerie." The blond boy explains. More chuckles go around the table, and a smile spreads across Liam's face.

"So what are your names?" I say switching the subject.

"I'm Max," the blond boy says, "that's Anthony, but we call him Toni." A boy across the table holds up his hand to show that he's Anthony. He has black hair and brown eyes. "This is Jaxon, but you can call him Jax," Max continues, pointing to an also blond hair boy next to him. Jax looks like Max, but he has blue eyes, and he has short hair where Max has shaggier hair.

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