Chapter 13

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   I leap out of the bed and onto the floor. On my way down I grab a pillow. I look down to the white, puffy cloud in my hands. How am I going to protect myself with a pillow? Really, Rebecca, what were you thinking? I toss the pillow on the bed and search around the room for anything that could be sharp or hard. Basically, anything that could be useful. Finally, I find a broom under the bed. I quickly unscrew the end that has the brush, so I'm left with a long stick.

   I silently crack open the door and peek out. A shadowy, black figure runs across my view, and I jump back against the wall. My chest heaves up and down, maybe going out isn't such a good idea. What if he's stealing important things to the group. They let me stay here, and I let someone rob them. No, I need to go back out. Not to fight him, but to see if I can identify him at least. If he drives a vehicle I can try to get the plate number, too.

   Running on adrenaline alone, I peek back out. Sounds of shuffling feet, metal clashing, and zippers fill my ears. I close my eyes and listen. From the amount of noise being made, I believe it to be only one guy. The sounds are coming from the room at the end, I assume. The one room I've never been in. The group made it seem like it was non-important, that it was just for storage, so I didn't push my curiosity. Eventually, I had just forgotten about it. What were they hiding in there that they didn't want me to know?

   With the broomstick in hand, I quietly walk over to the door. I'm careful to not trip over any of the workout equipment. I look behind me to see that whoever is in the last room, was still in there. I pull open the door and slip outside. Sure enough, a small, black car was parked in the gravel, facing away from me. The trunk was open, but I'm not able to see inside unless I get closer. Before I make the decision to check it out I hear a noise from inside. It seems rather close, so I jump in between a few bushes facing the car and the door.

   The handle turns and the mystery guy walks out. My eyes grow wide as I see the person standing before me only a few feet away. "Anthony?!" I whisper in shock. I slam my hand over my mouth as Toni's head whips toward my direction. I don't move as I wait for him to turn back around. Anthony turns back around, and I let out a breath I didn't I was holding. I peek out of the bushes a little further and watch him throw a few bags into the trunk before slamming it close. He mustn't know I'm here with all the noise he's making.

   The brightness of the car's lights shocks me, making me fall back onto my butt. The lights start to fade, indicating that Toni is leaving with whatever was in that room. Once the car is completely out of view I stand up. I wipe the dirt and leaves off my butt, and falter back inside. I know he's gone, but that doesn't keep m from looking behind my shoulder every five seconds.

   I walk into the kitchen and set the broomstick against the wall. I search the drawers before picking up a flashlight. I turn it on, but it immediately shuts off. I hit it against my hand a few times and the light shines on. I wait a few seconds to see if it would flip off again. Once I'm certain that it's fine I head towards the last room. I stop at the door and stare at it. What things are behind these doors that Anthony would come by and retrieve them in the dark? I rest my hand on the cold handle and take a deep breath.

   I slowly push the handle down and open the door. I bring my flashlight up and shine it into the room. I cautiously take small steps until I'm fully through the doorway. My light reflects off of something shiny, hitting my eyes. I shield them with my hands and lower my flashlight. I blindly feel my hands on the wall beside the door until I feel a switch. I flip it, and the darkness of the room is filled with light.

   I stumble backward as I register everything in front of me. A huge blueprint of inside a building is laid out on a table in the middle of the room. The wall facing me showcases a variety of guns. They have small pistols, shotguns, and rifles. I look too my right too see other kinds of weapons. From nunchucks to knives. I shift my direction to the left. Plastered on the wall are five TV screens. A long mahogany desk reaches from wall to wall. Three large computer screens are positioned on top.

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