Chapter 8

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   "Is she okay," I ask, "do you know how bad it was? When did it happen? Where did it-"

   "Miss. Blackwell," Principal Ian interrupts. "Please calm down, Mrs. Regina is going to take you to the hospital. The doctors can tell you a lot more details. I'm sure she's fine, and I'm not sure what kind of accident it was.  Now, I don't want to waste any more of your time."

   I stand up with Mrs. Regina and follow her out the door. I'm going to miss the announcements, but I'm not really worrying about that. I just need to know whether or not mom is okay. I'm praying that the crash wasn't bad, and they just needed to take her to the hospital, because of procedures. 

   We pull up to front doors of the emergency room. The hospital wasn't big, but it seemed the right size for a small town like this one. I jump out, but Mrs. Regina doesn't follow. "Are you not coming in?" I ask, peaking my head back in the car. 

   "No, well, unless you really want me too," she replies. All of her preppy self is nowhere to be found. All that is left is a sad and sympathetic personality. 

   "Oh, okay, I think I'll be fine, then." I close the door and watch her drive off. I turn around and stare at the doors. I can't seem to move my feet, well, I don't know if I want too. Worse case: she's gets paralyzed. I can graduate, I'll get a job, and I'll take care of her. It's not exactly traveling the world, but I would stay here to take care of her. 

   I eventually find myself moving closer to the door. I push it open and step inside. The smell of chemicals fills my nose. I've never liked the smell of hospitals. Something about it just makes me queasy. I walk past all the chairs and tables up to a big desk on the far wall. An older lady was filing papers in some cabinets against the wall. I open my mouth to ask where I could find my mom, but nothing came out. I shake my head, I can do this, she's alright, it's just procedures. "Uh, hi," is all I spit out.

   The lady turns and gives me a warm smile. "Hello, what can I do for you?"

   I look down at her name tag to see that her name is, Stella. "Yes, um, my mom has been in an accident, and is here somewhere."

   "Alright, what is her name?" Stella asks, her smile never dropping.

   "Claire Blackwell," I answer. She sits down and types her name in on the computer.

   "Ah yes, she's in room 214. What's your name and relationship to her?"

   "Rebecca Blackwell and I'm her daughter."

   She continues to type things into the computer. I turn to leave, but her smile drops and she has this hesitant look on her face so I step back. "Is everything okay?"

   "You're not allowed to go in yet, but there is a waiting room you can wait in. I'll contact the nurse if she's not busy, and that you're here. Also, the stairs and the elevator is too your right." 

   "Oh-h, okay, I stutter, "thanks, Stella."

   "No problem, honey. I hope your mom is alright." 

   "Me too," I mutter under my breath while heading toward the stairs. The elevator would take too long, and I need to get as close to her as I can. 

   I run up the flight of stairs to find another room full of chairs. There was a little girl asleep on what seems to be her older brother's lap, a pregnant lady holding her husband's hand, and a teenage boy sleeping against a corner wall. I walk to an empty area and sit in a not-so-comfy hospital chair.

   Its been ten minutes and I don't think my leg has stopped shaking. I'm so nervous I can't even think straight. Every second that goes by it feels like an hour. I pretty much jump out of my skin when I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I slowly look over my shoulder to see the lady who was pregnant. She looks really good with her small bump.

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