Chapter Two

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Cheryl's P.O.V.

I'm here at the garden recalling the events earlier. It couldn't be. When Sophia said she met a new friend, I got confused because she had been in the house since the morning and shr didn't go out. And when she said her name is Cart I already got goosebumps. I know that's Carter. Cart is just her nickname from Sarah. Is there a possibility that Sophia can see and talk to Carter. It's getting into my head. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump. I looked to see who it was and saw Ashley stood there.

"Babe, is there something wrong?" He said worried. I walked closer to him and rubbed his arm.

"Nothing." I whispered.

"Are you sure?" I nodded and smiled. He gave me a hug.

" The girls are looking for you and our angels are tired." He said. I nodded then we walked in the house to the front room to see Isabella is sleeping in Sarah's arms while Sophia's eyes are obviously tired but she was trying her best to be awake. I smiled.

"Oh Cheryl, It's getting late we should go now." Kimberley said standing up and carrying a tired Jamie. I nodded as I walked up to Nicola and took Isabella from her arms while Ashley took Sophia from Sarah's lap.

"Come again yea?" They all nodded and went towards the door. I kiss them goodbye and with that they're gone. I noticed Sophia rubbing her eyes and she's really tired.

"Sophia you can sleep now babe if you're tired." I said as I rubbed her back.

"No mammy, I'll wait for Carson to come home" She whispered. I looked at Ashley and he smiled at me. We went back in the front room and Ashley and Sophia sat on the sofa so they can watch something on TV.

"Babe, I'll just put Isabella to bed" He nodded so we went upstairs and walked into their room. I placed Isabella on her bed and tucked her in. I gave her a kiss on the forehead. I look around the room. It's pretty clean in here which is odd because Sophia and Isabella doesn't know how to put back their toys when they're finish playing with it and their room has toys scattered everywhere but now it's all clean. My thoughts went to Carter cause she's always the clean one. But I just shrugged the thought off. It can't be her.

I stood up and walked out of the room turning the lights off so that the only light that's in the room is the lamp from their bedside table. I closed the door behind me and walked downstairs to see Sophia sleeping on the sofa with her head on Ashley's lap. I smiled at the scene.

"Babe, go on upstairs. I'll locked up." Ashley said and I nodded lifting Sophia carefully and we waited for Ashley and walked upstairs turning the lights off. We walked in their room and put down Sophia on her bed. She mumbled something then hugged her teddy bear close. I kissed her on the forehead and tuck her in. I stood up and we walked out of their room closing the door behind us.

"Why does their room look so clean?" Ashley whispered. I shrugged.

"I don't know they're not like that" I whispered as we walked into our room.

"We'll just ask them tomorrow" Ashley said getting into bed. I joined him and snuggle to him eventually falling asleep.


Carter's P.O.V.

I sat here outside waiting for Carson. It's almost 2 in the morning and still he's not home yet. I'm sure he's been drinking again. He'll be drunk when he got home. I wish he'll change for himself and the family. Suddenly I saw someone at the gate so I run towards it and saw Carson with blood dripping from his arm. My eyes widen so I run back and run through the door. I immediately went upstairs to Isabella and Sophia's room waking up Sophia cause she's my only hope.

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