Chapter Three

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I sat there crying when I heard what Sophia said that made my heart stop.

"Go away, I don't want to see you again" She screamed. I look up to her and saw her crying on Carson's chest. I stood up and turned around walking through the closed door. I sat outside putting my head in my arms. My only chance of fixing my family, Gone. She doesn't want me anymore. What am I going to do now. I'm stuck and can't think of anything. I lie on the comcrete watching the stars as they twinkle in the dark sky. I'm supposed to be up there by now but I'm still here. And my own sister doesn't even like me anymore. I wish I knew what to do. My only hope is for Carson or mam to tell the truth to my sisters. But how can that happen.

Minutes later, I saw two cars by the gate so I sit up. It's the girls wearing their pajamas. They run past me and went inside the house. I want yo see what's going on but I can't go in there. Sophia might see me. So I just watched from the window.

Carson's P.O.V.

"What happened here?" The girls walked closer to the wall where there's writing on it. I don't know if I'm right but when the moment I told dad that he cheated on mam, the crazy stuff happens. I don't know what's happening. And the one written on the wall. 'You broke your promise' Carter would be the only one who would make dad promise not to hurt mam again.

"Cart did this" Sophia cried on Aunt Sarah's shoulder. And who the hell is Cart? The only Cart I know is Carter. Can it be, Sophia can see Carter. But Sophia and Isabella knows Carter is alive. I have to clear this up.

"Sophia..." She looked to me scared. I can't blame her, I've been ignoring them since they were born. " Come here..." I said and she shook her head no burrying her head on Aunt Sarah's neck. I sighed.

"Sophia, I won't get mad. I just want to ask something." She eventually nodded and Aunt Sarah put her down. She walked slowly towards me but she stopped far away from me. I sighed as she looked at me.

"Who's Cart?"

"She's my friend but she did all this and she was bad so she's not my friend anymore" She speak so quietly afraid that if she said something I might get angry and I regret making her feel that way.

"What did she look like?" She looked to the floor.

"She looked like big sister" And that's it. That's all I need to confirm that Carter did all this. Then something hits me. Sophia can see her. I glanced at mam who was staring at nothing and she's shaking and she's pale. I need to put my pride down cause my mam needs me but I just have one last question.

"Where is she now?" She looked at me and started to tear up. I want to hug her so bad and just for this time, I kneel down infront of her looking at her.

"You can hu-" I didn't even finished my sentence cause she ran to me hugged me tight.

"She's gone Carson. She was crying and I said I hate her. I pushed her away" She sobbed. I rubbed her back and lift her up. Aunt Sarah and Aunt Diney are cleaning up and Aunt Nicola is taking care of Bella while Aunt Kim is with mam. We walked towards mam who's face is in her hands. When Aunt Kim saw us she nodded and get up to leave. We sat beside mam. Sophia stood up and went infront of mam clutching her teddy bear. She took a hold of mam's arm which made mam looked up tears in her eyes. Sophia wiped them away and gave mam a hug. Sophia reminds me things about Carter. The way she loves mam is so similar to Carter. I smiled. I've never smiled like this before since Carter died. I think Carter is helping us to be happy again. Sophia pulled away and she faced me.

"Can I sit on your lap" I was kinda sad that she have to ask. I smiled and nodded. She smiled and sat on my lap. I hold mam's hand making her look at me.

"We can do this" I whispered. She just sighed.


Carter's P.O.V.

I'm back here at the cemetary. I don't have to be there. They already hate me. I'm running out of hope. I'm watching the stars again. I wish I was up there just twinkling in the night, no problems. I thought when I die problems will go away and I will rest in peace but it's not... yet.

It's my birthday tomorrow. Everytime my birthday was coming, I always wish that my family would be here visiting me. But it's not coming true. Only Carson goes here and visits me. Mam and Dad never visited me. I sometimes think that they already forgot about me but I always put that thought away. Mam would never forget me. I hope I'm right.


It's my birthday but I didn't feel it. Nobody came to visit my grave. Even Carson didn't visit me. I guess he's mad or something. I'm in my room at the house. Since I died, mam locked this room but kept all my stuff exactly where I left them. It seems Carson's taking care of the kids cause mam's on a photoshoot. Maybe he forgot that it's my birthday but I understand. He's finally doing what I told him to do. Sophia's not that cheerful anymore while Isabella is very energetic. I'm very careful when walking in the house. It's like playing hide and seek but It's harder. Sophia and Bella are in their room while Carson is sitted on the sofa watching TV. I sat beside him and watched him when his phone rang making him jump. I giggled at him as he took his phone from the table and answered it. I leant forward so I can listen to the conversation.

'Hello?" Carson said on the phone.

'Carson, You need to get here at the hospital like right now' Lily said instantly making my eyes go wide and I begun to be nervous. Carson's eyes got widen and he stood up. I also stood up hearing their converation.

"What happened?"

"It's Cheryl, She collapsed"


I'm so sorry if it's bad but I'll make it up to you guysXx AC.

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