Chapter Six

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Kimberley's P.O.V

As days passed by, Cheryl's finally showing signs of recovery. She's already been transfered to a private room. I'm happy she's getting stronger. Me, the girls and Joan are taking turns in taking care of the girls cause Carson never left Cheryl's side. He's totally a mama's boy that's why I can't understand how can he be so cold to Cheryl for the past five years. The girls were okay except for Sophia. She's a little bit down lately since the day of Carter's birthday. Sometimes I'll hear her talking to herself and have nightmares at night. She's not playing with her sister anymore. She'll just sit at one corner. She's different.

Now we're on our way to the hospital to visit Cheryl. It's the first time they will see their mum cause Carson didn't allow them to go. Bella's excited and she keeps on talking but Sophia, she's just staring at the window and she's so quiet. I decided to talk to them.

"Girls, are you excited to see your mum?" I asked looking at them through the mirror. Bella grinned jumping on her sit. I looked at Sophia and she was still looking out the window.

"Sophia..." She looked at me. "Are you excited?" She stared at me for a long time before giving me a small smile and a nod then she continued looking out the door. I sighed and keep my eyes on the road. There's definitely something going on with Sophia.


Carter's P.O.V.

I'm at mam's room with Carson and Nan. Mam's awake and chatting with Nan. I'm so happy she's getting stronger. She didn't let us down. She fought it through and I'm so proud of her. I'm also proud of my big brother cause he didn't left mam's side. He was there for her. I was starting to realize that my family's happy. The girls are okay. Mam's getting stronger. Carson's finally going back to himself. But why am I still here? And that's confusing me. Everything seems to be normal now.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door and walked in Aunt Kimberley and my eyes widen when I saw the girls. I froze and can't move cause Sophia's looking at me straight in the eye. But I noticed something. Her eyes are not sparkling anymore. It's blank. I came into reality when I heard Bella shrieked so I looked at her. She was climbing up mam's bed and mam helping her. I looked at Sophia and saw her look away and went to Carson. I frowned, This is the first time she seen me since the day she threw me out. I expect her to scream and get mad at me. But she just ignored me.

"Sophia, didn't you miss mammy?" Mam said as she look at Sophia with a smile with Bella cuddled to her. I looked at Sophia who was sitting on Carson's lap. She looked at mam with no emotion making mam's smile fall and she looked at Auntie Kim with worried eyes. I frown at Sophia. She's not like this. The Sophia I know would've jump on mam the moment she walked in.

"Sophia..." Aunt Kim said softly. I looked at Carson who was frowning. I looked at Sophia and she look back to me making them look at my direction then they look back at Sophia. Carson knew what was wrong so she carried Sophia and stood up.

"We'll just have a chat" Carson said as They walked towards the door and walked out closing the door behind them. I stayed there in the room thinking things over.

"What was that all about?" Nan whispered. Mam looked at Auntie Kim asking for an explanation. Auntie Kim let out a breath and I looked at her.

"Honestly, I too am confuse on the wa.she's acting. She barely talks. Sometimes I caught her talking to herself." My head snap. She's not seeing anyone besides me, is she? I got nervous, Maybe she's already seeing other ghosts. Oh this can be bad.

"When did it start?" Mam asked. I can tell she's worried. I can see in her face.

"Oh, It started the day after Carter's birthday, the day after Carson took them to see her" Mam's eyes widen. She didn't know yet that the girls already know the truth.

"What?" Mam said shocked. Suddenly Bella talked.

"Mammy. Carson said we'll go to Carter but she's not there. But I saw Sophia crying and talking to the ground. She's crazy" Mam looked at her dumbfounded. She didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry, I thought you knew" Mam looked at her then the door opened revealing Carson and Sophia. And it looks like Sophia's been crying. Sophia looked at me again. Mam was staring at Sophia as they walked in. Bella climbed out of the bed and went to Nan.

"Sophia, baby" Mam said as she look at Sophia. Sophia looked at Carson who nodded at her sniling. Sophia walked slowly until she finally reach the bed. She gently climbed up and mam helped her.

"What's wrong baby?" Mam said gently sitting Sophia on her lap. Sophia looked at mam and started crying. She hugged mam making mam a bit surprise with Sophia's actions. She rubbed her back looking worried. But then Sophia started talking.

"Mammy, Don't let them hurt me please" She cried which made everyone, including me, shocked and confuse on what she was saying. She was sobbing and clinging on mam for dear life. And that was it. She was seeing some spirits beside and not just spirits they were bad.

"They're scaring me mammy. Don't leave me" She cried. Mam didn't know what to do so she just hugged her tight.

"Ssshhh, I'm not gonna let them hurt you. I'm here baby. Don't cry" Mam reassured her. Everyone was shocked even Carson who she just talked to a while ago. I need to protect her. I'll be there for her even if she pushes me away


Sorry guys. It's kinda short and dull -.-

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