Chapter Five

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Carson's P.O.V.

We just got home. The girls are sleeping and as I stared at them, I remember mam. I hope she doesn't give up cause I don't know what I'll do without her. She's going on through so much. She just found out that dad cheated on her again and now this. I felt tears in my eyes but I have to be strong. I wiped my tears and got out of the car. I opened the backseat and carried the girls carefully not waking them up. I closed the door with my foot and walked towards the door. I balanced Bella on my leg as I reached for the key. She moved a bit making me freeze but then she went back to sleep. I sighed in relief and unlocked the door. We got in and I went straight to the gis bedroom laying them down on their own bed and I tucked them in. I planted a kiss on their forehead. As I stand up, I heard my phone ringing so I immediately walked out of the room so I can't wake the girls up. I took my phone out of my pocket to see Aunt Kim calling.


"Carson, Its Kimberley"

"What happened?" I instantly felt nervous.

"Nothing babe, just... Cheryl is now awake and she's asking for you"

"But Auntie Kim, I'm at home and the girls are sleeping. I just can't leave them here." I said as I walked downstairs.

"I know, The other girls are on their way there. They'll look after the two" She said making me smile. Auntie Kim really knows me.

"Thanks, Uhm...Aunt Kim"


I swallowed the lump forming in my throat. "Has anything change?" I asked.

"I'm afraid not babe. But I know Cheryl will get through this. She's a fighter" I smiled.

"Thanks Aunt Kim" And with that I hung up. Minutes later I heard doorbell so I walked towards the door and opened it.

"Hey, Come in" I said as I step aside to let the girls in. They walked in and walked straight to the front room sitting.

"So, How did they took it?" Aunt Nadine asked.

"At first Sophia was shocked and Bella didn't know what was happening but at the end they took it well" I said. Silence fills the room.

"D-Did she really asked for me?" I mumbled making them look at me.

"Yes. You were the first onr she mentioned the moment she woke up" Aunt Nicola said making me smile a second.

"I-Is she dying?" My voice cracked as I look at the floor starting to tear up. I heard footsteps as they walked towards me and pulled me in a hug.

"Don't say that. She'll get through this" Aunt Sarah said rubbing my back.

"So now, take this and go to her" Aunt Nic said handing me my car keys and I took it."She needs you" She said softly. I nodded and gave them a kiss on the cheek and walk towards the door and heading to my car.


I arrived at the hospital and the paps were still there. So I have no choice but to go through them. Luckily the guards noticed me so they went towards me guiding me through the crowd. I got in safely and I was about to go to mam's when someone stopped me.

"Carson" I turned around and saw Aunt Kimberley. I looked at her confuse as I walked to her giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Cheryl's been transfered in the ICU" I froze. It's really serious and it's getting worse. Aunt Kim hugged me. I want to hug her back but it's like I can't move my arms. We stayed like that for a while then she pulled away.

"T-take me to her" I said and she nodded. She took a hold of my hand and we started walking. I was being dragged in the hallway when I saw someone who made my blood boil. I stopped in my tracks making Aunt Kim look to me.

"What the hell is he doing here?" I said through clenched teeth. Aunt Kim looked to the direction that where I was looking and she looked at me again.

"He wanted to visit her" I looked at Aunt Kim in disbelief. After what he did to mam. He can't just walked in here and visit mam like nothing happened. Dad caught me looking and he looked at me straight in the eye. Suddenly the lights flicker on and off making Aunt Kim move closer to me and that's when I knew that Carter's here. The nurses were scared so they run off leaving me and Aunt Kim and on the other side is dad alone. Then the breeze came in strong. Aunt Kim gripped on my sleeve.

"Carson, What's happening?" She said with a shaky tone. I can tell she's scared.

"Don't worry, It's just Carter" I said as I rub her arm. Dad looked away and walked fast. He passed by me withput looking up and when he's out of sight, the lights went back on and the breeze is gone. Aunt Kim's grip on my sleeve loosened as she let out a breath. We continue walking and I can feel her eyes on me.

"How do you know that Carter was doing all that?" She said softly.

"I just can feel her" I whispered.


I'm sitted by the chair beside mam, holding her hand. She's asleep again. The scene of her make me cry. I've been cold to her for the past five years with just cause she didn't tell the truth to my sisters. I didn't even tried to understand her. And now she might not get this through and I might not make it up to her. This is all too familiar. Me holding someone's hand asking her not to give up. I put my head on the side of the bed crying thinking what if. What if she didn't make it through, What will happen to us, to my sisters. How can I take care of them? I'm loosing hope, I need my mam.

I felt a squeeze on my hand making me look up to mam. She was looking at me weakly and she smiled slightly.

"Mam. D-do you want something? Oh the doctor. You need a doctor. I'll go get the doctor" I rambled as I wipe my tears cause I don't want her weak. I stood up and was about to walk away when she stopped me.

"Stay" She said but it came out as a whisper but I heard it clearly. I turned around and looked at her. I smiled and just pushed the red button over her. I went back to my sit and looked at her.

"How're you feeling?" I said but my voice cracked. My started to blurry with tears.

"Sore, weak" she whispered. My tears started to fall so I covered my face so she can't see me. I was saved by the doctors coming in and checking on her.

"She needs to take this. It will help her" The doctor said as he gave her pills and a glass of water. I helped mam to sit up and she took the pills and lay back again.

"Is there any change?" I asked the doctor. He look at he's clipboard then at me.

"Nothing yet but we'll assure you we'll do everything."He said and with that they went out. I returned to my sit and held mam's hand. She was looking at me with a small smile making my eyes blurry again. I don't like seeing her like this.

"Mam... I'm really sorry. I'm really really sorry" I broke down. I can't take it anymore. "I'm sorry, I let you down. I've been a bad son. I cause trouble all the time. It was not like before." I cried. I dropped my head on the side of the bed crying. "I'm really sorry. I don't like seeing you like this. I love you very much" She touched my head making me look up to her. She had tears crawling down her face. I immediately held her hand and plant a kiss on it.

"It's okay now" she whispered. I stood up and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Mam please don't give up. I can't take it. I already lost Carter. I can't loose you too." I said as I put my arms around her. I felt her nodd and we stayed like that for a while until she fell asleep again. I stayed like that asking God just one thing.

"Please let her live"

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