(Thorki) Good Ol' Days (English-ver)

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"Mother, I didn't mean to..."

"Loki... What have you done?!" Frigga shouted as soon as she approached her sons. Loki, her second son, had transformed himself into a snake and seriously injured Thor, her first born. Thor looked at her, almost surprised, hand covering his wound around the abdomen. Blood was dripping all over his palm, his fingers and even on the ground.

"Mother, I'm fine. It's just a superficial wound." Thor gasped, trying to hide away his groans. "I'll be fine. It'll heal in half an hour."

He kept his gaze on Loki, who was too terrified to say anything. With his other hand, Thor clasped their palms together. The spaces between Thor's fingers were right where Loki's fit perfectly.

But that didn't mean Loki was innocent. Frigga frowned and shook her head. If she had been able to handle it, she would have chosen a less harsh punishment. But even though if she was to try her best to convince Odin, she knew beforehand Loki wouldn't be spared so easily. So she did what she thought was the best at that moment, which was to stay quiet.

After the incident, Odin was so mad he had Loki locked up in a room and he wasn't allowed to see anyone. Thor, on the other hand, tried to reach Loki everyday, over and over. He had attempted to lure, to trick servants away and would sneak into little Loki's room just to play with him.

"But Father, Loki will be bored to death." Thor explained to Odin when he was called.

"He is being punished for what he had done. There is no excuse. He deserves it." Odin was as rigid as he always were, throwing up his eye at Thor, but that didn't make Thor any less stuborn. In fact he even dared to say "Then if I do bad things you will lock me up in the same room with him too?"


Frigga was trying so hard not to burst into laughter then, and Odin was so done with him.



The guards took Thor to the locked room. Usually, anyone who was punished shouldn't feel this happy, but Thor had a giant smile on his face it made those guards terrified. The door was then open, revealing a small boy sitting by the window. His black hair brought out the pale skin. Ocean blue eyes looking at the sky. He was gorgeous, more than anyone Thor had ever met.

But he didn't smile. All angels smiled, but he didn't. He rarely smiled.

"Loki." Thor slowly went to him. "I've come to play with you, brother, and I promise I won't leave this time."

"Thor? What are you doing here?"

"I told Father to lock me up with you because I did terrible things."

"And that is?" Little Loki raised his eyebrow.

"I stole his eye patch."

And suddenly, the angel smiled. No. The angel laughed his ass off.

And that was how Thor got to stay with Loki while they were being punished. The end.

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