My Boyfriend = My Daddy

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Whoa whoa wait! You can't just say that," yelled Dan waving his hands freaking out. "It's the only way," said Phil. "Is it really," said Dan unconvinced. "Yep. Would you rather her be in a relationship with your plushy," asked Phil raising a brow. "Well no but-" "Then its decided!" Cheered Phil. Dan hung his head in defeat. "It will be ok," smiled (Y/n) placing her hand on his and Dan blushed and looked away. "I'll let you two have a moment, oh and Dan remember we have brunch plans. Ok good luck," said Phil as he quickly trotted away.

Dan looked at (Y/n) who was smiling brightly at him. "Um so I guess your coming too brunch with us. We can't just leave you here alone," he explained and she nodded. "So I think we should come up with a story for you. So your name is," he gestured to her. "(Y/n)," she smiled. He continued, "Perfect! And I am." "You're Daddy," she replied and he blushed. "No no no. I'm Dan. Your.....boyfriend," he managed to say. "Oh ok. Dan is my boyfriend," she said excited. "Perfect now where are you from," he asked. "Uh your room," she said confused. "Ok this all sounds weird. Say you're from (state/country)," he smiled. "Got it," she smiled back. "Now they may ask for a little about yourself. Now if you could be any girl what would she be like," he asked.

"I don't understand," she said confused. "Come on you can do it. Think. Imagine you're real," he smiled. "Am I not real," she asked concerned. "No like. Here let me tell you about me," he said before going on about his back story and facts about his life. "Who is (Y/n). Is there someone you feel like you were before you woke up looking through button eyes," he asked gently.

"Um well I would want to come from a broken home so people could relate to me; but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to come from a happy home. Where families still eat together every night, and where I tell my dad stories as my siblings fight over the drumsticks on the chicken. I want to say I'm a small town girl, born to a family of 3. My older brother and 2 younger sisters are close as can be. Yet I made the big move to the city and left everything behind. Now I'm looking for a fresh start. Trying to find out who I really am with out someone telling me who I am. Finally being me," she said as if she was imagining a dream.

There was a moment of silence before Dan spoke. "How do you just come up with all that stuff," he asked amazed. "I just knew. It's weird. Like I have your mindset. Sure I'm lying about everything, but I can feel it. Like I'm a part of you," she said staring at her hands. "Like your becoming self aware," he said quietly and she nodded. "Maybe this isn't a good idea. Maybe we should just stay home," he said sadly. "What I just said almost seemed real. I'm scared. Was I actually a real person," she asked tears swelling in her eyes.

"Maybe. If so.... who are you."

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