I found her

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(Y/n) tried to think, but she just ended up holding her head. Like trying to remember was giving her a massive headache. "Can you remember anything at all. Maybe a sound," he asked gently touching her shoulder. She looked up and said, "the only thing that comes to mind is Thames." She sighed. "Thames? Like River Thames? In Gloucestershire?" He asked and she shrugged.

"You guys ready," chirped Phil walking in. "Change of plans Philly! We're going to Gloucestershire!" Dan said jumping to his feet. "What!? Why," said Phil confused. "No time let's go," said Dan before taking (Y/n) hand and rushing out the door with Phil trailing behind.

They got a taxi to a pavement path at the River Thames. (Y/n)'s head began to throb. "Dan it hurts I wanna go home," she whined. "Maybe the girl is here," said Dan looking out the window. "Dan explain," said Phil crossing his arms. "OK this is gonna sound weird it might even sound crazy but what if she is modeled after a real person that I met in my life and I just forgot. Or that I made her too close to resemble someone else and now they're connected and maybe you can explain some of this mystery," Dan tried explaining. "I think I get what you're getting at," said Phil still a little confused. "I just have this feeling OK," said Dan unsure staring at the water. They walked up the pavement by the river for a while. Dan looking at any girl who could be (Y/n). "Maybe she left," said Phil. "Yeah maybe sh-" he was cut off by a girl walking past.

Dan froze. She was perfect, she and (Y/n) had the same features, except with different clothing, make up and sight different hair cut. "Is that her," mumbled Dan obviously staring. "You think that's her," asked Phil. "Possibly. Wait here. I'll go," he said and so Phil and (Y/n) sat on a bench. Dan casually walked up to her and waved. She smiled and waved back before turning her attention back onto the water. "Ok Daniel play it cool," he thought. Dan walked up a few feet from her and said, "hey you enjoying the water today."
"Uh yeah I am," she chuckled. "That's good. So am I," he smiled. "That smile. It has to be her," Dan thought before saying, "nice to meet you. My name is Dan."

"Hello there. Well my name is (Y/n). You can call me (nickname) if ya want," she smiled. "What brings you here," he asked. "Oh well I use to come here a lot with my grand-dad. Today might have not been a good day as I got a slight headache, but I have a project due on the river tomorrow so I thought I should come out and take some pictures. Sadly to say I'm procrastinating," she chuckled and Dan followed suit. "Yeah I know what that's like," he smiled. "A headache?" He thought looking out to the river. "So what brings you here," she asked. "Just trying to find someone," he said putting his hand behind his head. "Oh? Sibling?" She asked. "Nah. He's at home," Dan said politely. "So are mine," she smiled. "You have siblings," he asked. "Yeah I have 3-"

"Siblings. An older brother and two younger sisters-," they said at the same time and she stopped and backed up. "Do I know you," she asked considered. "Don't be scared I just need you to come with me," he said calmly. "Uh I don't think so. Do I look like an idiot?! Creep," she snapped. "Come on," said Dan reaching out, but she jumped and ran. Dan ran after her.


"You feeling ok," asked Phil worryingly swinging his legs on the bench. "I think so. Just a little sad," she sighed. "Why" asked Phil. "Is Dadd- I mean is Dan not happy with who I am. Why is he trying to find a 'real' girl," she said sadly. "Don't think that's it. I think he's doing it for you," Phil said with a reassuring smile. "Me?" She said surprisingly. "Yeah. Wouldn't you ever be curious; don't you think you'd someday want more," he asked. "I guess you're right," she half smiled.

"Is that Dan running?" Asked Phil pointing forward. "Running?" Asked (Y/n). Phil got up and he and (Y/n) ran after him.

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