Meanwhile with Phil and (Y/n)

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Phil began to wake up when he noticed he had something warm around his body. Not blanket warm. He lifted the covers to see (Y/n) hugging him. Her head pressed to his chest! He jumped back waking her up. "What are you doing here!" Phil freaked out. "I got lonely, and daddy didn't come home last night. I got cold and I didn't know what to do. I didn't thing you minded," she said half asleep rubbing her eye. "Last night," said Phil remembering...

(Last night)

"(Y/n) what do you want for dinner," Phil asked. "Daddy," she sighed. "Um that's not something you say. I said for dinner like, what do you want to eat," explained Phil. "I'm not hungry," she mumbled burying her face in a pillow as she slumped on the couch. "Come on, I'm sure he'll be home soon," Phil smiled sitting next to her. "But what if he never comes home," she said softly. "I promise he'll come home. Trust me. If not tonight then tomorrow. I'm sure he'll be home," Phil smiled putting a hand on her shoulder. 

She half smiled before saying (f/food). "Hu?" Said Phil confused. "I want (f/food), please," she said a smiling. "Alright. Sounds tasty, I'll get started on making it," said Phil happily as he walked into the kitchen. All (Y/n) did during dinner was stare at Dan's chair. Phil tried his best to distract her, but to no avail.

"You really love Dan don't you," asked Phil putting his fork down. (Y/n) nodded. "Why," he asked. (Y/n) took a moment to think then said, "honestly I'm not sure. I was born loving him with all my heart, like I don't need a reason. I except all his flaws, even the secret ones. I would carry the world for him even if her couldn't do it for me for a second. He could lock me out of his life and I would wait patiently by the door. No matter how long it would take. I would never loose hope. I know every detail about his life yet he doesn't know mine. I guess the one feeling I ignored was the most important. How he felt about suddenly meeting someone who would take a bullet for him. Who would give up everything just to be his friend. I must really be crazy. Maybe that's why he hasn't come back," she said as he eyes began to water.

Phil held her hand. "Hey at least your heart is in the right place. You didn't force him into anything. He gladly helped you. Maybe that shows how much he really loves you," he smiled. "You're right," she smiled wiping her eyes. "No how about we clean up and get ready for bed," he smiled and she nodded.

After they got everything cleaned up and ready to go Phil showed (Y/n) the guest room. " ok this it your room. I hope you like it. Oh and if your lonely I'll be in my room. Come in and wake me up," smiled Phil as he headed to bed as she crawled into hers.

(Back to present time)

"I didn't mean crawl in bed with me! I meant wake me up to keep you company," Phil said as he got out of bed. "Oh that makes more sense. I just thought because you were so sweet you'd let me sleep with you anyway," she said sitting up. "Well maybe, but-," he was interrupted by (Y/n) staring. "What?" He asked. "Why do you sleep in just your knickers," she asked and Phil's face turned bright red before ducking his lower half behind the bed! "PLEASE COVER YOUR EYES!" He yelled and she quickly did. Phil frantically found some pjs and threw them on. "Ok you can look now," he said before sitting on the bed.

"Sorry," she said quickly. "It's fine just don't do it again alright," he smiled and (Y/n) smiled back. "How late were you up," he asked. "About 5am.... he still didn't come home," she sighed. "Well maybe he stayed the night at a friend's because he didn't want to wake us up in the middle of the night," suggested Phil. "Maybe," said (Y/n). "How about I make us some tea or coffee then when Daddy- I mean Dan gets home we can go out for breakfast," smiled Phil and (Y/n)'a face lit up. "Yeah that would be great," she said excited.

Phil was about to speak when they heard the front door open. They froze when they heard footsteps and (Y/n) bolted out of the room!

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