Ch. 1

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Going back to school after a fun filled summer was one of Mayas favourite things to do. She absolutely loved school.

School was Maya's happy place as weird as it sounds. She loved being able to see her friends every single day as oppose to only on the weekends. She also indulged in her school work because she actually understood what she was learning in each subject making school that much more enjoyable for her.

Maya was a well rounded student. Not only did she manage to keep up her 4.0 GPA - she also played soccer and was captain on her senior team.

Outside of class, she had her own group of friends. They weren't popular but they were all known individually - which Maya loved as she wasn't into drawing too much attention to herself. She had her solid group of girls as well as some great friends in different classes to keep her sane and laughing.

Maya never wanted to be part of the popular crowd - they all had their labels she never wanted to posses herself. Being a cheerleader at Westside was just code word for "slut". It was a known fact. All the cheerleaders did was sleep around with all the ball boys and they even flaunted it. Every Monday morning you would hear them bragging about their weekend flings as if it was everybody's business. And the ballers - oh those ballers. The only thing that ran through their heads was basketball and girls. Barely any of them excelled in school - they would only focus on basketball, and when they weren't playing, they were at some house party hooking up with multiple girls. That gave them the "jock" label and they wore that label proudly.

Maya's POV:

I woke up this morning to the sun peering through my blinds, warming my skin, but burning my eyes causing me to wake up from my sweet slumber. After stretching out my arms and my toes - I realized - it was no longer summer and I was about to be late to the first day of school if I didn't get up right this instant.

"Shit!" I mumbled. Looking at my phone reading 7:45am. I had 4 alarms set and not even one went off. I really need a new phone.

"Piece of shit." I whispered throwing my phone beside me.

I quickly got up to wash my face. I silently thanked myself for taking a shower last night so I wouldn't have to this morning. I brushed my teeth as quickly as I could and pulled my hair out of my bun, releasing my long blonde hair.

Since it was still hot out I decided to wear high-waisted denim shorts, a white oversized tee,  and a flannel around my waist and with white high-top converse.

Usually I'm more of a sweats and hoodie type of gal but since this was the first day of school I thought I should look a little more presentable for my fellow peers. I quickly ran back into my washroom and coated my eyelashes with a bit of mascara to add some life to my face and then ran downstairs to get myself some breakfast.

Walking down the stairs I noticed my parents already left for work. Instead, I saw my brothers nanny making some breakfast for him.

My brother, Sebastian, is 1 and a half years old and is literally the cutest little boy in the world. I walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the forehead before looking at the time on the microwave and realizing I only had 20 minutes to get to school.

I grabbed a bottle of water and a banana and left my house. I got into my car, plugged my phone into the aux and made my way to school.

I wasn't as excited as i thought I would be as I fell asleep at 4am last night watching Netflix. I know, typical, but gossip girl is basically my life. I've watched the series about a million times but it will never get old to me.

I parked my car in the school parking lot and just took a moment to myself. This was senior year for me. I had a lot on my plate with school and soccer, so staying focused on those two things were my number one priority. I mentally told myself that I cannot have any distractions. Absolutely none.

I looked up at the big letters at the top of the building spelling "Westside". Oh, how I've missed this place.

I stepped out of my car and saw everyone in their little cliques. Typical, typical.

You could tell what the different groups were and what kind of people they consisted of even if you didn't go to Westside. You could tell who the math geeks were because they were already scanning through their textbooks pre-reading everything before the semester started. The nerds were all playing some weird ass game in the corner of the school as if no one was watching them. And the popular kids, you couldn't miss them. They were by far the biggest group around as they consisted of the entire basketball team and the cheer team. Oh, and they were loud too. The girls would be going on about their hair or what clothes they bought and the guys would be hooping and hollering, pushing each other around causing all sorts of commotion.

"Ugh," I muttered under my breath as I passed them all.

And then there were my friends. I ran over as soon as I saw them.

"What the hell is up?" I screamed (a little too loudly might I add) as i walked over to them.

"MAYAAAA!" they yell back in unison.
We all ran into a group hug. I was so happy to finally reunited with my besties.

After catching up with my girls I began looking around casually seeing if there were any new faces until I noticed a pair of eyes looking over at me.

"Well, well, well, looks like someone has staring issues" my friend Savannah said, arms crossed, walking over to me looking in the same direction as me.

I gave her a nervous laugh and turned back around to my group of friends, ignoring the fact that Sam Wilkinson just stared into my damn soul for about 20 seconds

I'm not going to lie, Sam was hot. It wasn't a secret. Every girl in school thinks that. It was just that fact that he was a complete asshole to everybody but his friends that brings me back to reality. After all he was a basketball player.

For some odd reason, I decided to turn back around to see if he was still eyeing me, but at this point he sucked in a probably shallow conversation with some random cheerleader.

"What's going on? Wilks into you now?" I hear my other friend Leah ask as I turn back around to my group.

"No, no I don't know what that was actually" I shrug making my statement sound more like a question.

I guess I zoned out for a bit after that because the school bell literally scared the shit out of me, making me jump a little causing my friends to giggle a bit.

Here we go.

I couldn't wait to see what this school year has in store for me.

Hello everyone! Long time no see? I recently logged back into Wattpad and saw how well this fic has done - I decided to give it a read through and literally cringed! This was so poorly written but still managed to get some views and votes so I thank you all for that. I'm just going to go through these chapters and fix up some grammatical errors or the story plot to make it more clearer and such. Hopefully some of you are still reading! Again thanks for the support on this particular story- hopefully I can fix it up and make it much more enjoyable! Xoxoooo

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