Ch. 9

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I ran up again and she shot the ball but tackled me at the same time.

It went in.

She scored the winning goal.

I just sat on the field. I could hear the crowd roaring for Burke. I tear travelled down my eye until i heard the ref blow the whistle.

"NO GOAL" the ref yelled.

"Are you kidding me, i clearly scored" mystery girl ran up to the refs

"You tackled a player and you were offside, no goal" he said sternly.

"GAME ON" he yelled again

I quickly got up and felt the adrenaline rush through my veins. It was the most amazing feeling in the world. My teammate threw in the ball and it was now my turn to shine. I ran up to the ball taking it to the other side of the field. I flashed through all the other players and defenders until it was just me and the goalkeeper. I shot the ball. Top left.

It went in. I jumped in joy running around the field. My teammates crowding around me. The fans in the stands were crazy running down to the field and cheering. At this point everyone was on the field hugging me and i was just too sweaty and too tired for it.

I walked off to the side of the field were i saw the mystery girl with tears in her eyes. Even though i changed my look and attitude towards others i still had a heart.

"Good game" i said giving her a big smile.

She said smiled at me wiping away her tears. I just kind of sat there beside her looking at the crowd of people celebrating until she finally spoke.

"You know Sam really likes you" she said.

I looked at her strangely. "What?"

"Did i stutter? He LIKES you, like a lot" she said giggling.

"I heard you but i'm surprised" i said laughing.

"Me and Sam are just friends. I know when i came to your school today EVERYONE thought we were dating, but no... just friends" she said smiling

"..oh" i said, still surprised.

" So do you like him?" she asked me

"Uhh... well... i did but he kinda just messed it up for himself so yeah" i answered

"i know, just give him a chance, he's been telling me about you since the beginning of the year. He told be about how he yelled at you infront of everyone" she laughed

"it's because he doesn't know how to approach you. He's never had an actual girlfriend before so give the kid a break"

"I never knew that" i whispered

"Well just sayin, he likes you even when you don't dress like a total whore" she giggled

"Uhmm excuse me?" i said offended

"I'm kidding! I actually like the way you dress" she said

"Thank you" i said as she started walking away. I realized that i didn't get her name so i ran up to her

"Woah, are you tackling me back or something, I'm sorry" she said, startled

"No, i just didn't get your name" i laughed

"Tatum, and you're Maya, i know" she laughed as well

"Yeah... i guess i'll see you later" i waved at her running back to the field

After a night of celebration i finally got to my bed. My legs were so sore and i could not take another step. I laid down and thought about the things Tatum was telling me about Sam. Was Sam shy or what? I was so confused.

Should i give Sam another chance?


Hey, sorry for the short chapter! Thank you so,so much for voting and reading. I'm at 3.7k read which may not seem like a lot to you but it A LOT to me, so thank youuuu!!! So i want you guys to help me! Answer that quesiton, "Should i give Sam another chance?" If you were Maya would you give Sam another chance. After all the things Tatum told you about him and how he really felt. Comment your answer! The more people comment the faster the next chapter will be going up since i'm a little stuck with the story!

Stranger (Sam Wilkinson)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora