Ch. 13

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The next couple of days were full of happiness and love. I hung out with Sam almost every day and i was with him at all times. We still weren't official but that didn't really bother me. "Wanna come over after school?" he hung his arm over my shoulder.

"Is that even question anymore?" i giggled.

Sam walked me to last period and gave me a peck on the lips. I couldn't help but smile throughout the whole class. After school i walked to Sam's car since he kept giving me rides to school.

Before i even opened the door i saw another girl in his car. I felt so sick, like i was about to throw up. I just walked away.

I didn't want to create a scene, i didn't want him "explaining" himself. I didn't want anything to do with him. I was over it. It was crazy how something going so well just turned to complete shit.

I don't care who that girl was... i just didn't want to think about it. I put in my headphones and started walking home. I didn't even tear up or break down.

I felt numb, disgusted.

I remembered a couple of days ago he was texted this girl but he told me it was just for "homework". Homework my ass.

A car slowly pulled up to me and stopped. It was obviously Sam, he hopped out and ran in front of me.  "Maya did you forget we were hanging out?" he laughed. How could he act so innocent?

I know i shouldn't "assume"  things, but him with that girl was just so shady.

I shrugged my shoulders and continued to walk. He grabbed my arm and spun he around. "Maya whats wrong with you" he yelled.

I took out my headphones and looked straight into his eyes. "I don't know, you tell me"

"What's that supposed to mean" he yelled again.

"Stop yelling at me. I saw you with that girl, okay" I said calmly and walked away. He didn't even bother chasing after me because he knew what i was talking about, and the fact that my assumption was correct broke my heart, again. Why did i even go back to Sam? I looked so dumb because i was being played out again.

But you know what they say, entertain a clown and you become part of the circus.


Sorry  its kinda short! I'm trying to update but coming up with ideas takes some time so AGAIN im sorry!!! I was gonna get Sam and Maya to work things out and be "in love" but it just SO boring so i decided to create some drama but dont worry! Saya will come back some how ;) Saya? is that a good name lollll! xoxx

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