Ch. 3

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This morning I woke up tired, as usual...  I was caught between wanting to go to school and not wanting to go. I wanted to go because, well, school is one of my favourite places to be, but I didn't want to go because of Sam.

Even though Sam "apologized" yesterday for being so rude, I still feel that he will do the same thing he did yesterday. When he wasn't with his friends yesterday he looked so at he actually cared. It was just weird because he acted so different.

I shook that thought out of my head and hopped into the shower. I let the cold water sink into my skin to wake me up. Surely enough, I got out feeling refreshed and ready to go. I put on light-washed ripped jeans, a black crop top and black converse. I didn't feel like putting on any mascara so I just brushed my hair and ran downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning sweetie" I hear my mom say as I inhaled the beautiful scent of pancakes she was making for my brother and I.

"Good morning mom" giving her a kiss on the cheek.

I absolutely loved my mom. Words could not explain my love for her. My mother has literally done everything for me, she has always gotten me whatever I needed, she always knew when I wasn't feeling okay to make me feel better. My mom was my hero. There is not enough words to explain how much she means to me.

I quickly took a plate of 2 pancakes and gobbled them up before heading out the door.

I walked into my car and started blasting music. Music always brought my mood up no matter what song it was. I would always blast it before school to get me pumped.

Before I knew it I was already in the school parking lot. I scanned the parking lot looking around and noticed the popular kids in their normal parking spots with their expensive cars. Even though I drive a Ranger Rover (which is pretty expensive) each of those sluts have a car to match the colour of their thongs that are up their asses all the time. They honestly disgusted me considering they had sex with practically every guy in our grade.

I got out of my car and heard the jocks wolf whistle at me.

"They can't be serious right now" I whispered to myself.

In the corner of my eye I saw a figure walking towards me.

"Hey sweet ass" he said grabbing my behind before I pushed him away.

"Ew, Sam you're gross" I snapped at him with his hands up and away from me.

He looked at me the same way he did in the parking lot yesterday. First up and down then in my eyes.

"So my crew and I are skipping class today and heading to the beach so I was wondering if you wanted to come?" he said with a big smile.

I laughed to myself listening to how stupid he sounded. "Are you serious?" I said still laughing.

"Yeah" he looked confused.

"Okay whatever thoughts running through your little head is making you think WE are friends, well throw those thoughts away. We are not friends whatsoever and even if we were I still wouldn't hang out with your 'crew' or those fake little bitches" I ended it off with a fake smile.

"Okay whatever, sorry for asking" he laughed walking back to his friends.

Was that too bitchy? Was it too mean? What is my problem?

"Hey maybe you shouldn't skip class yet, its only the second day" I yelled at Sam making him turn around.

"I'll think about it" he said laughing and giving me a wink making me blush.

I walked into the school and all my friends running to me. "What was that?" "Why was Sam talking to you?" "Do you guys have a thing?" "What going on between you guys?" All these questions spit at me all at once not giving me the time to answer one.

"NOTHING happened" I reassured them. "He was asking me to skip that's all"

"THATS ALL?" Savannah yelled at me. "That seems like a lot to me"

"Yeah I think he's into you" Anastasia added.

I smiled to myself thinking about it but then realized he was a stupid jock that I hated. So that smile slowly turned into a frown.

"Okay guys, gotta go" I said walking away.

I was kind of happy because he wasn't going to be here today so I wouldn't have to worry about him making stupid comment about me or whispering my name in the middle of class. I walked to first block and there waiting for me was the one and only, Sam.


Hey guys, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE FEEDBACK! I appreciate it so so much you guys don't even understand. So this chapter is a little short because I wanted to leave it at a cliff hanger + I didn't have much time to write this! Hope you like it! Please comment or send me a message on what you think so far && please vote! Thanks again, love you xx

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