Ch. 6

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i woke up the next morning, still feeling hurt but i was also very excited because today were the soccer tryouts. I've always played for the senior team ever since i was a freshmen because i was a very talented soccer player. I got out of bed and went to take a cold shower to wake me up. I put on my white tank top, a Nike sweater, black soccer pants and my free runs. If i could, i would wear this outfit every single day because it was so comfortable!

I went downstairs but no one was home. I ate a good breakfast, made myself a smoothie and headed out the door with my backpack and my soccer sports bag. I got into my car and drove to school in silence. I got out and headed straight to my locker not stopping to talk to anyone. I could feel all the eyes on me and i heard some whispers and "good job".  I put my school bag into my locker and headed to the soccer field we had outside our school.

I took off my soccer pants and underneath i had my shorts. I laced up my cleats and headed to the group of girls on the field.

"Hey Maya!" they all yelled out

"Hey guys what's up" i called back

Before they could say anything the coach called us in.

"Nice to see all of you here this year! I hope to see this team go far!"  he said

"Okay let's start out with some drill and we'll have a little game at the end. The team roster will be posted after school, so if you didn't make it... well good job anyways!" he laughed

We all lined up for a shit ton of drills that completely worn me out. I was so out of shaped because i haven't played soccer since last year. After the drills we all got into 2 teams and had a little game. By the end of it i scored 5 goals and the other team only had 2. The coach really liked me and he always told me i would lead the team far in the competition.  I was always voted captain because my team liked me and they all thought i was captain worthy (not to be cocky or anything).

I headed back to school and got changed. I put on leggings, a soccer sweatshirt and uggs since it was colder today.  I got my bag from my locker and walked to first block without seeing any of my friends, which was strange because they were all usually around my locker.

I walked into first period and saw the one and only Sam Wilkinson with all of his jock friends. i gave them all a death stare and sat up front, far away from them. We were allowed to sit anywhere now which was great because Mr. Louis cancelled the project.  The class went by relatively fast and once that bell rang i ran out.  I got to my locker and all my friends were posted up there.

"Hey what's up?" i said putting my books in my locker

"What's wrong with you, you didn't answer any of our texts or calls, we were so worried" Leah yelled out

"Sorry, i didn't feel like talking to anyone yesterday" i apologized

They all went to hug me then the dumb jocks walked by

"Losers United" Sam yelled out laughing with his friends.

"Really?" I yelled back as they all stopped and turned around

"Oh you finished my homework already?" Sam said still laughing

I pulled out my phone looking at all the text he sent me

*reading his texts out*

"Maya I'm so sorry" "Maya please reply" "Maya I'm so sorry for being an asshole I swear I didn't mean it" "Maya please reply to me I'm getting worried" "Maya I really like you I'm so sorry" I laughed as I was reading his texts out.

The look on his face was priceless. Now I felt like the biggest asshole but it felt great. His friends were bursting out laughing but he was just looking at me with no emotion in his face.

"No I didn't finish your homework yet, sorry honey" I smirked

All of his friends and my friends were laughing and so were some others that were in the hallway. He walked off as his friends were making fun of him. I felt so good about myself I couldn't stop smiling. My friends were so surprised  I actually did that and to be honest so was I. I was never that mean and bitchy to people but today I was and it felt so, so good.

The day went by so quick it was crazy. After school I ran to see who made the team. I was so happy I made and I was also voted captain again! This day couldn't get any better! The week went by so quick and before i knew it, it was monday again.

Sam hasn't spoken to me ever since I embarrassed him in front of all friends. He has been annoying me though, like making out with girls right in front of me and making fun of me and my friends here and there. It kind of bothered me because i didn't have anything to hold against him. All until today i was fine. Today he pushed me to the edge.

It was lunch time and i went to the cafeteria to sit in my normal spot. I was just sitting there talking to my friends until someones lunch fell right on me ruining my hair and my clothes.

"Oh I'm so sorry" Sam said laughing.

I got up and brushed all of the food off. "What the fuck is your problem" I yelled at him.

"Sorry my girlfriends ass is just too big and it distracted  me. But your just a wannabe, you're a bitch that no one likes, get a fucking life okay cause you really annoy me sometimes" he said sternly

At this point he looked psychotic.

"I never talk to you how do I annoy you" at this point everyone was looking at us

"You're just so ugly and nerdy i can't believe i actually talked to you. That annoys me." he laughed and so did everyone else.

I couldn't believe it. I just left and drove back home like i did before. I was so done with him. I needed to change something about myself. My attitude and my look. Something needed to happen for him to stop and realize what he had did.


sorry this chapter was kind of stupid and boring :P I'd like to thank a special person (you know who you are) who left me an idea for my story since i really didn't know where to go with it myself, so thank you so much. If you guys have any idea's on how my story should go leave me a comment or message! Vote, commment! thanks xx

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