Chapter 76

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We entered my family's mansion slowly on December 25th 2017.

"You sure about this?" Gabe questioned. "Cause the Taylor I knew couldn't handle anything remotely-"

"I'm sure" I assured him, "I love you...I've just always been scared to admit it"

"I love you too....always have...never stopped" he smiled before kissing my lips.

"Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way" Chris chanted.

"Stop please!" Kyle begged as slamming his forehead against the kitchen table.

"Kyle let him go" His pregnant wife Nell smiled.

"Chace this Turkey is phenomenal" Tyler grinned as stuffing his face.

"Hey Gabe's here" Zac called as walking towards Gabe and I once we enter the kitchen.

Vanessa, Kyle and Zac's mother is Kiley Koleawiskis and so since Gabe left his family he's been staying with them whilst pulling jobs with Vanessa, Kyle and Zac's cousin Phil.

"Hey, Zac how's it going?" Gabe asked.

"Good good" he noddedz "what uh what are you doing here?" Zac's gaze than found Gabe's hands in mine, with our fingers intertwined. "No way"

"Yeah" I smiled.

"No way" Zac cried whilst his eyes filled with joy. "Taylor" he hugged me "this is great...I'm happy for the two of you...have you met the twins?" He asked Gabe.

"The what?" Gabe blinked.

"Zac" I begged him as shaking my head.

I hadn't gotten around to telling Gabe yet about Clem and Milo. I was going to do it that night.

"They're honestly the cutest thing" Zac admitted.

"Mum!" They both cried as running to my side "Ethan said next week he'll teach us knife defence" Milo told me.

"Than gun defence" Clementine said with excitement.

"Mum?" Gabe reverted his gaze to me.

I gulped. "Gabe I'd like you to meet my kids...Clementine and Milo" I started slowly.

"Nice to meet you Sir" Milo grinned.

"It's my pleasure to make your acquaintance" Clementine smiled.

"The pleasure's all mine darling" Gabe quickly caught himself then smiled at the kids.

"Clem! Milo!" Katie called, "we've got turkey here"

"Yum Turkey" Gabe smiled at the twins.

"C'mon kids we can score a spot away from Chris" Zac laughed as taking the kids hands and seating them around the kitchen table.

Gabe turned to face me. "You never mentioned you had kids" he said. "...How old are they?"

"Seven in July" I took a deep breath.

"Seven in....we were together in October...they're not..." He trailed off causing me to nod.

He looked terrified and confused. "That's why you brought me here" Gabe nodded, "do they know...That I'm their...." I responded by shaking my head. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"We were young" I sighed "you were a Larrunzario and I was ready to take off... I should have told chu...I was just scared of what you would say or do...and what my family would say..."

"Taylor I've always loved you" Gabe sighed, "if you had told me, I would have married chu...I would have loved those kids so much...."

"I know" I nodded "that's exactly what I was afraid of....God even now, I feel like I'm playing grown-ups and that none of this is real"

"You should have told me" he sighed.

His eyes told a story; he was sad, frustrated, slightly irritated, yet exhausted. He looked at me like everyone else; like he had just been dragged into my life and was tired.

"I know" I gulped.

He stood in front of me; with his big brown eyes. Button nose. Gabe my love - forgive me.

I didn't tell him out of fear; standing there wae nerve-racking. Just waiting for a response.

"God I have kids...two of em" Gabe smiled, "they're so beautiful...we made that!"

"Yeah, we did" my lip curved, creating a smile.

At that moment he hugged me then kissed my lips.

"Turkey, Going once, Going twice!" Chace cried "the last call for Turkey!"

"We better get some Turkey, how about it" Gabe said as we pull away and took a seat at the table.

That was 2017.

If someone had told me ten years prior that I would be sitting around the table celebrating Christmas with my family and with Gabriello Larrunzario, I would have not believed you.

That night I explained who Gabe was to my children and nine months later I gave birth to Adeline Ashton - who was like me in every way.

Six months after that Gabe and I married. All our kids kept the name Ashton due to Gabe leaving his family.

Chace stayed with my family even after uncle Nate died and ended up marrying a Koleawiskis. He had three children - moved into a mansion of his own with his new family. He could have left; but even then he stayed. Chace showed up every morning to my family's mansion; cooked, cleaned, helped with whoever's problems, then went home to his family at night then did it all again the next day.

My father retired around the same time as Uncle Jared; he decided to stay home and spend time with his grandkids, nieces and nephews, as well as help Chace with housework.

Vanessa and John got divorced after ten years of marriage; turns out their marriage falling apart had nothing to do with me. John had many affairs throughout the years; all with friends of the family and I guess Vanessa was sick of taking him back.

Chris met a fellow forger whom he married and shares three kids with. They too live in the family's mansion.

Michael and his wife Kaitlyn Rose had marriage problems for years due to his alcoholism. He eventually quit but their marriage still fell apart which resulted in their divorce. Their children now bounce around like ping pong balls from one home to the other.

Katie married a Jeremiah whom she shares two kids with. They live in his family's mansion - we see them once every few months, if that.

Zac proposed to his girlfriend on Christmas 2017 and now has two kids.

Jack Esposito Loris married in 2018 and had eight children with his wife.

And as for me; I learned to love, I married the enemy and I lived.

The end


Hi all,

I hope y'all enjoyed this book. Who would have you guys had liked Taylor to end up with?

In my original version, I think Chace and Taylor were actually dating, and so I went into a lot more depth about them. I wish I had gone a little further with them too - but overall I'm happy with how this book turned out.

Please check out some of my other books.

Thank you

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